96. Negan

730 14 0

Danielle's POV

They loaded us up and kept us in the back of van. There's a bench against one wall where the others sat. I sat on the floor as Daryl rests against me.

They had been incredibly thorough when they searched us for weapons. Dwight leered up at Daryl as he reaches up under my shirt and pulls out my claw, nicking my skin as he does.

Daryl hasn't moved the whole time. His jaw clenched tight. I hadn't moved or reacted so Daryl doesn't get more provoked. Despite his taunting, Dwight's hands never strayed.

I find it strange that Dwight had taken Daryl's vest. First his bike and crossbow and now his vest. It's like he's jealous and wants to be him.

One of the men throw a blanket at us and I wrap it around Daryl. The bleeding has slowed but he had lost a lot of blood. His skin feels cool and clammy beneath my hands. I try to get him to rest but his eyes never close once. He's body is tight with tension but he never lets his guard down.

They don't drive us very far before the van stops. "Sit tight." Dwight instructs as he climbs out.

Where the fuck do you want us to go asshole?

"If any of you try anything I won't hesitate kill you." His eyes land on me. "Starting with you sweetheart." I stick my middle finger up at making him smirk.

"Dare-" I start to say as he cuts me off coughing. "I'm fine baby." He whispers making my heart clench.

"Did they find everything?" Michonne asks. She means my knifes. I nod slowly, not daring to look at Daryl's face as I answer. The others missed the search but Dwight made sure Daryl didn't.

Dwight realised me and Daryl are together but we never said that. Or maybe he guessed because of my reaction to him being shot.

"So now what?" Rosita snaps. Glenn sighs, gripping his head. "We wait." Michonne answers her.

I drop my gaze to Daryl. His breathing is quick and shallow. I'm assuming there's pain as I know what a gunshot wound there feels like.

His hand moves under the blanket and he tangles his fingers with mine. He squeezes my hand reassuringly. He's trying to convince me he's okay. But I know he's not.

This is going to be one hell of a night.


It had been dark for a while when the whistling started. I can hear Rosita and Glenn fidgeting but Michonne rested while we waited. If I hadn't been so worried about my husband I would have done the same.

Suddenly there are lights outside the van and the whistling intensifies like there is fifty people crowding around the van, surrounding us.

The whistling suddenly stops and I can't hear anything. There are muffled voices of men speaking in quiet voices but I can't hear anything else.

Daryl's skin is pale and there are heavy bags under his eyes. It worries me he has changed so much in just a couple of hours. His shirt and face is littered with sweat. He catches my eye and I don't see a hint of pain in them. He shakes his head firmly. He knows what I'm thinking and he's basically telling me to shut up.

"Dwight?!" Someone yells.

Everyone tenses as Dwight responds. "Yes." He was standing right outside the doors.

The doors jerk open and I'm momentarily blinded by the brightness. Three cars with their full high-beams shone directly into the van. Everyone flinches but all I'm seeing is spots in my eyes.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now