Jed glares at her before he turns to walk off, The Saviours following him. "Start the redirect." Rick orders. "And paid off to work the grid." Our people start moving to get ready to go back to work as me and Daryl stay glaring.

We knew this would happen....eventually.


Me and Daryl went back to our tent. He started sharping his hunting knife straight away but his anger was making him scrape it to hard. Half way through, I had to stop him and show him properly.

I'm re-sharping my claw when I see Rick walk around the corner to us making me sigh. This is gonna be interesting to say the least. I know he thinks me and Daryl had something to do with Justin's death even though we didn't.

"Heads up." I say lowly to Daryl who stiffens as he hears Rick footsteps. Daryl continues sharping his blade as Rick sits down on one of the logs. "Go ahead. Ask us." Daryl says calmly, but I can hear the anger in his tone.

"That wound in Justin...." Rick starts as he looks at us with wearily eyes. "Looks like a puncture. I wondered if it could be from a knife." He says, looking at me with that making me roll my eyes. "But it's small, round and clean. Smaller and cleaner than a bullet hole. Kind of looks like an arrow hit him." He says cautiously as he looks at Daryl with his famous head tilt. "Or a bolt."

Daryl nods. "Is this the kind of shit you used to do?" He ask Rick. "When I had too." Rick nods, answering him sincerely.

"You really think we did it, Rick?" I ask him, looking at him in disbelief. "No sis, I don't. But others do." He tells me, looking me dead in the eye as he says those words. "I'm just making sure."

"If we'd have killed him, we would've killed him in plain sight." Daryl says for the both of us and I nod, agreeing with him. If I did kill Justin, I wouldn't hide it because that guy was an absolute asshole. "We don't know who it, but we know why, and so do you." Daryl tells him.

"Bringing all these people together, it was always gonna happen. One way or another." I say seriously but Rick shakes his head. "No. It's the right thing to do, sis." He tells me firmly. "The future belongs to all of us now."

"Why do they get this future and Glenn don't?" Daryl asks seriously. "Or Abraham? Or Sasha? All the people The Kingdom lost? Hilltop? Oceanside? You ever think about what they want? What they'd do, if they could?" He fires question after question at him.

Rick nods. "Yeah, I do. I have. For a long time, I wanted it too, maybe more than anyone. But killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead? It's not the way, not anymore." He tells both of us, his face set.

Daryl sighs as he glances at me before he picks up his crossbow and stands up. "We should go work the grid." He says to us before he begins to walk off.

Rick stands up. "Daryl, I know you don't agree with everything we're doing here. All that I ask is that you try. Do it. Let people see it. And maybe everyone moves past what's happened to what could happen. And maybe, just'd be one of the best decisions you ever made." He steps closer to Daryl. "Like not killing a guy who left your brother on a rooftop to die." He gives him a small smile before he walks off, squeezing my shoulder as he walks past.

Daryl looks at me and I shrug, sheathing my claw. "Come on. We've got work baby." I squeeze his hip as I walk past him, and a few seconds later hear his footsteps behind me.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now