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Jay fucking Salazar.

I couldn't stop staring the second he walked into class. His rippling muscles, his messy white hair, his steely gray eyes. It was almost impossible for me to look away. The principal introduced him to us as Jay Salazar, a student that had come to our town all the way from Germany. When Jay spoke to introduce himself, the thick German accent made all of the girls swoon. Myself included, but I'd only tell Marley that. It wasn't like she couldn't already tell.

Jay straightened, his chest bulging at the seams of his tight black T-shirt. I could stare at those muscles for ages. Holy shit he was ripped. Like, abnormally ripped for someone our age. I looked around, expecting to see cameras somewhere. This had to be staged, like they sent in some bodybuilder to pretend to be our classmate. Or maybe he was an undercover cop. Either way, I didn't trust him, no matter how tempting this hunk of eye candy looked and tasted.

Our principal, a scrawny woman named Mrs. Tuttle, clasped her hands together. Her tight gray bun bobbed up and down as she turned to smile at the new student. "Well, why don't you tell the class three interesting things about yourself, okay hun?" Mrs. Tuttle called everybody hun. I could see the slight confusion on Jay's face, but he seemed to shake it off quickly.

"I'm sure a lot of you recognize me from social media. I have nine hundred thousand some followers on almost every social media platform, I've been making content for almost seven years now, even before I realized I was gay. So, that's the second thing. Uhm, I guess a third thing would be that I already have a crush on one of the people in here." His gray eyes swept over the rows of girls, who were leaning forward in their seats, silently begging his gaze to land on them. I might have imagined it, but it seemed like his gaze lingered on me for a few seconds longer than everyone else. Not that it would matter. I wasn't gay. 

Jay rubbed the back of his neck, looking at his gray sneakers. "Uhm, other than that I can't really think of anything. I get good grades, I'm a good student. There really isn't anything else." He glanced at Mrs. Tuttle. "Can I sit down now?"

Mrs. Tuttle nodded. "Yes, yes, of course. Have a seat back there, right behind Abe. Abe, raise your hand please."

I glanced up from my book startled. "Huh? Oh, yeah, hi," I said, giving a half-hearted wave with my hand. 

Jay smirked at me, something like curiousity gleaming in his steely gaze. I looked away, afraid that I would get lost in those gray pools. Marley nudged me with her foot, and jerked her head at Jay's back with a wink. My eyes widened and I shook my head furiously. "No," I mouthed. "Definitely not."

Marley shrugged innocently, and went back to doodling sparkly skulls all over her English assignment. 

Mrs. Tuttle clasped her hands behind her back. "Well class, I'm sure you will all help Jay to get settled in to our school, and I trust you all to be nice and polite to him while he's here. After all, he's one of us now, so be kind!" she added sternly. Okay, so maybe there was a bit of a bullying problem at our school. But by the looks of it, the girls were already ready to jump off a bridge to protect the man. 

Mr. Summers rolled his eyes at his desk, drumming his pencil on his desk. Mr. Summers had orange sideburns and thick glasses. He always wore polo shirts and dress pants, but he came to school with a giant thermos of coffee and always wrote sarcastic comments in the margins of your assignments. He had a very thin will to live, and told us about it constantly. He swore in class, let us have twenty minutes of free time everyday, and wasn't afraid to upset people with his opinion. He was probably my favorite teacher because he didn't have any sort of filter, and I could tell he was unimpressed by Jay's entrance. It was like that one saying, even though he hates black and hates gays he's not homophobic or racist, because he hates everyone else the exact same as them. 

Mrs. Tuttle straightened her neat black dress and scurried out of the room, her heels clicking on the tile floor as she exited Mr. Summer's classroom. Mr. Summers waited for the door to shut behind her, and then turned the projector back on and resumed the movie had hurriedly stopped when Mrs. Tuttle's familiar foosteps sounded down the hallway. We were watching UP, and we were right at the part where they meet the golden retriever. I always requested we watch Marley and Me, just to piss Marley off, and she always requests these cheesy Disney movies so that I want to gouge my eyes out the whole time. That or cry. I still can't believe they just killed his wife like that.

Marley nudged me with her sneaker. "Psst. Abe~"

"What?" I asked, annoyed. I was trying to not enjoy the movie.

"You want to sneak out?" she whisper-shouted.

I looked up, but Mr. Summers wasn't paying attention. I looked back down at Marley. "Are you going to ditch me to go smoke with a lesbian biker again?"

Marley pouted. "She was hot, Abey. What was I supposed to do?"

"Choose your best friend," I retorted. I glanced around the room. I swear, there eyes would pop out of their heads if they stared at Jay any harder. I was already sick of the attention he was getting, so I stood up and grabbed the bathroom pass off of the nail hanging by the door. Marley followed suit, grabbing her own pass before we both left the classroom and Jay fucking Salazar behind.

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