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Chapter 24 ~ D'rapetomania


Harper and Ginny walked hand in hand outside to the castle grounds. Ginny could feel the girl twitch as she continued to steady her. She felt pained for never hearing the girl out, for Umbridge's words repeated in her head; "I must've forgotten how loose your lips get when under pain."

"She's been doing that to you all year?" Ginny asked lightly, the small DA group in the distance.

Harper didn't say anything, she just nodded her head softly. She didn't know how hoarse her voice would be, the adrenaline wearing off.

Ginny didn't say anything to Harper's confession. She honestly didn't know what to say; 'Sorry, I can't believe that, Wow.' She opted to stay quiet as they approached the group.

Luna had whimsical eyes as she stared at Harper, a light smile on her lips. "How are you feeling Harper," her words floated out.

"I'm o-okay," her words came out cracked but still coherent as Neville visibly flinched.

Luna just nodded happily seemingly lost in her own words as two figures appeared from the fog. They jogged up to the group, breaking Harper's attention from the sympathetic looks and up to the two figures.

"Where's Umbridge," the words left Ron's mouth harsh as he looked side to side at the pair.

Harry stood stunned, out of breath as he stared at his sister. She was swaying back and forth but still held herself together. "She's still in the forest," Hermione rushed out seeing Harry's quietness.

"I have to get to the ministry," Harry said, breaking his eyes from Harper and looking at Ron.

"How are you going to do that?" Harper asked in a bored tone, noticing he used I instead of we.

"You're not going to do this alone," Hermione quipped, her eyes frantic.


"Let him, Hermione," Harper said, breaking his yelling, "Let him see that he was wrong," she said, staring him down as Luna started to wander off.

"I am not wrong," his voice raised as he snapped his head towards her.

"How sure are you?" She questioned, raising her eyebrows, "Because if you are not one hundred percent positive; you are not only putting yourself in danger, but five of your friends in danger," She paused her voice cold, leaving herself out of the equation, "So how sure are you."

He looked like he was on the verge of murdering her, "If you want to stay here, by my guest. I don't need you, I don't need any of you," anger started rising in his stomach.

"I am wasting time in saving him, arguing with you," he finished.

Harper just stared at his emotional state in disgust wondering where her brother went. "We can get there by thestrals," Harper said, completely ignoring his previous statement as she looked at Luna slowly running her hand down the animal.

Hermione and Ron started to walk over to Harry talking in hushed whispers as Harper made her way to Luna. "You can see them?" Luna whimsically asked.

"Yeah," Harper said softly, mimicking Luna's actions and petting the horse.

Luna didn't say anything else as she watched Harper get on the back of the animal. "You lot ready?" Harper yelled, bringing the five out of their little huddle. Ginny held a small smile

She didn't wait for a response as she jumped on the creature's back. "What are you doing?" Harry said angrily.

"Going on a ride, care to join," She extended her hand down to her brother with a small smile on her lips.

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