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Chapter 20 ~ S'illage


"Oh Theooo," Harper dragged out the boy's name as she bounded down the stairs. Draco and Blaise perked their heads up, sitting by the boy and watching the energetic redhead.

"Yes, Potter," he never looked up from the armchair as he read the daily prophet.

Harper dropped a handful of letters by the three. "I do, indeed love all your mothers, but don't you believe this is getting out of hand," she looked at the letters and then at the boys a disappointed look on her face.

Blaise picked the penmanship he recognized up the most reading it over, a small smile overcoming his face before he dropped it back into the pile. "Gossiping with our mothers, Potter?" Blaise cooed.

Harper looked hurt as she brought her hand to her heart, "If you will not tell your mothers about your love affairs before I do that it is not my problem," She said, scooping the letters back up and putting them into her satchel.

"I am not however an owl," her gaze focused on Theo. "Write to your mother, Theo. She is now sending me intimate letters about your youth," She finally gained Theo's attention with her last comment. "Is it true you were breastfed till the age of-" A hand covered her mouth faster than lightning as Draco and Blaise held disappointed looks.

"Let her speak mate," Blaise said with a laugh watching as the girl crossed her arms over her chest.

Theo didn't budge as his hand never wavered. Harper noticed this, licking his hand. "Yo," he yelled, pushing the girl away from him, looking at his hand like she had sliced it open. "Now I have syphilis," he exclaimed.

"Better than getting breastfed till the age of four," She side-eyed the boy, taking his seat next to Draco.

"Stop owling my mother, Potter," he seethed, showing his slimy hand to Blaise.

"Answer her letters back," She retorted, picking up the daily prophet unbothered. Draco's hand wrapped itself around her shoulder. "And I do not have syphilis," She rolled her eyes, turning the page of the daily prophet.

Theo put his hands up, "Hey, Draco gets around," he smirked, receiving a death glare from the said boy as Harper pushed his hand off her shoulder.

She got up shortly after, placing the prophet back down on the coffee table, and grabbing Draco's mug in the process. "Owl your mothers," She turned around to the three boys, "All three of you," she looked at every single one before downing the hot tea and placing the empty mug back down.

They watched her walk away, each holding a different expression. Theo held a look of stubbornness. Blaise looked amused. And Draco watched with admiration as he leaned on his knees.

"What the fuck has she done to you, mate," Theo said, snapping the boy out of his gaze as he regained composure.

"She's killing me," Draco said in pain as if an actual knife was in his stomach.

"Least this one is hot," Theo said absentmindedly. "Daphne's little sister wasn't a top pick of mine," he finished.

"You shagged, Astoria," Blaise whispered shouted, his eyes going big as he looked at Draco.

Draco looked at Blaise with a glare that said to drop the conversation. "Shagged her in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom too, of all places," Theo quipped, not letting the conversation die.

"When? Why? How?" Blaise spurted out, his attention completely drawn away from his copy of the daily prophet as he tried to gossip like a teenage girl.

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