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Chapter 10 ~ P'uffle


"Hermione," Harper whispered, Heriome snapped her head up from her book to look at the said girl. "I have detention with Umbridge tonight, Blaise and I won't be able to attend," Harper finished, Hermione's face dropped.

"Are you sure? Maybe after your detention?" she pestered reeling, wanting the girl in attendance.

"I'll see," Harper smiled, turning back around.

"Harp, Blaise can come even if you don't, I know it may be awkward but-" Hermione said, dropping off her sentence and staring at Harper.

"I'll let him know, thank you, Hermione," Harper smiled, receiving one back before she left the library. Wondering the halls for thirty minutes trying to keep her mind occupied as she waited for her detention.

She wandered into Madam Pomfrey's office, turning her head and recognizing one of the patients sitting on a bed. "We have to stop meeting like this," she gave a small smile to the boy.

He looked stunned. Harper walked closer to see his left hand placed in a murky liquid, the words, 'I will be quiet' smeared on his pale skin. He tried to pull his hand away from eyesight at Harper's glance.

"Oh no, I'm not judging, see," she pulled out her hand from her hoodie pocket to show the boy. His face went even more pale as he looked back up at her, "She's a real bitch," Harper said.

"Language, Harper," Poppy said from behind the pair. "Isn't it awful, what she's doing," Poppy shook her head as she started to wrap his hand. "Sixth one this week, she has to be stopped" she continued, finishing off with the boy's hand.

Poppy turned to Harper, "Is there something that you need, dear," looking her up and down to see no problems, she tucked her hand into her pocket as she did.

"No, no, none at all, just wanted to say hi," Harper smiled at the older witch, the boy jumping down from the gurney and standing behind Harper.

"Well, hello," Poppy said smiling, "You best get going with your luck you'll probably hurt yourself being in here too long," Poppy said, ushering the two kids out and cleaning the messy bed they left in their wake.

"Ms. Potter," Harper snapped her head around to see the boy still following her.

"No need to call me that, Dennis," she smiled, Dennis Crevey's face lit up instantly.

"I don't want to pry, but I-um," he cut himself off looking at her like he's been through a war. Well, what war to a twelve-year-old would be. "Thank y-ou," he stammered out, looking at his hand.

"Yeah," Harper said. "Be safe tonight, okay," she said, ruffling his hair.



Harper crouched eye level with him interlocking their two pinkies, kissing her side. Dennis pulled his pinky back and gave her a bone-crushing hug, Harper embraced it. "Okay, Creevy, I got places to be," she laughed, Dennis backed away.

"See you at the next meeting?" He asked hopefully

"You can count on it," she smiled as they both turned away going their separate ways. She walked through the quiet halls. Making her way to Umbridge's office dreading every step. She began to love the silence she found herself in these days.

Her happiness was cut short as her feet led her to the pink door, standing out in the sea of blacks and browns. Harper knocked three times like she normally did. The painfully sharp come in always following. She headed in going straight to her normal desk before she noticed another person occupying the room.

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