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Chapter 1 ~  Stag


Harry and Harper sat on the swing, running to the park to escape their aunt and uncle. Birds chirping and the rustles of bushes could be heard as they sat watching their surroundings. They would talk to each other every so often both not wanting to interrupt the other's peace.

A loud group of boys came bounding over to the quiet pair. Harry looked up in an instant, Harper stared down at her feet, already recognizing the voice. Laughs admitted from the group when Harry chipped in. "Hey big D," the group of boys snapped their heads up to look at the two on the swings. "Beat up another ten-year-old," Harry sarcastically said, Harper, giving a sly smile as she continued to look at her feet.

"This one deserved it," Dudley said, the boys behind Dudley agreeing with him.

"Five against one, very brave," Harper said, raising her head up and finally addressing the boy.

"You're one to talk ... .moaning in your sleep every night ... .at least I'm not afraid of my pillow," he drawled out, the boys behind him laughing. " Cedric! Please, Cedric, wake up," Dudley mocked her. "Who's Cedric? Your little boyfriend?" The crowd around him erupted in laughs. Harper slowly raised her eyes looking directly at him finally.

"Shut up," she mumbled.

"What was that sweetheart?" the name rolled off his tongue, and Harper visibly drew back.

"Shut the fuck up, Dudley," Harry shouted, angry at the name he just called his sister.

"Woah woah woah... when did you grow a pair," Dudley drew out, the crowd behind him laughed once more. "Not this brave at home," Dudley spurted out.

Harry immediately walked over to him, raising his wand to his neck at the comment. Dudley went silent, the boys behind him thinking Harry was crazy as they went into hysterics. The clouds started to turn black around them and the wind started to pick up.

Harper walked over to them pushing Harry's wand to his side, scared of what he was doing. Dudley's friends went into a panic as well. "What are you doing," Dudley said, looking around as the skies turned black and the wind started to pick up old newspapers and trash.

"I'm not doing anything," Harry shouted from Harper's side. Dudley's friends ran away, while Harper started to look around at the two boys fighting. "Run," Harper said, the boys stopping their bickering to see her already ten feet in front of them, rain starting to pour down on them.

Harper ran until she found herself in a tunnel away from the weather, the boys at her heels. The boys came into the tunnel out of breath. They walked further in, watching as the lights started to flicker on and off, "Freakyyy," Harper said a sly smile on her face, receiving an annoyed look from the out-of-shape boys.

"Harry," she drawled out again, a shiver going up and down her spine as she looked down at her breath. She watched as Harry realized, "Dudley ru-" his voice was cut off as three dementors came swooping in, attacking them.

The three gasped for breath, the dementors forcibly pushing them to the wall, beginning to suck the joy and life out of them. The air was tight, and Harper's body felt cold, as the little bit of happiness started to drain itself from her.

"Harry," she said weakly, almost not audible over the dementor. The boy grabbed his wand from his pocket, smacking the dementor in its face, his wand falling from his grasp. His wand fell feet from Harper, she struggled to grab the wand, pushing it to Harry as he scrambled away from the dementor.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM," Harry said, his dementor vanishing through the night, he twisted his wand to where Harper and Dudley lay. His patronus made the last two follow the third. Dudley laid emotionlessly, Harry ran up to him, standing over his body, Harper soon following.

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