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Chapter 19 ~ O'pia


"Ready?" Harper softly said

She swore she saw his face twitch to something other than the stony cold expression he had been holding ever since she told him her plan. He was overjoyed but inside knew what the aftermath was going to be. He didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arm around the young witch.

She saw the slight nod, making her knock three times. The squeaky come-in could be heard. Harper closed her eyes for a second before she turned the handle revealing the pink room. A pained smile overcame her thin lips as she stared back at the professor.

She felt Draco leave her side as she walked closer to Umbridge's desk. He fell back standing by the door, almost as a bodyguard. "Hello, Ms. Potter," Umbridge's voice came out like nails on a chalkboard.

"Hello Professor," Harper curtly said, sitting down in her normal chair, internally bracing herself for the horrors she was about to endure.

"I presume you have no new information to share with me since your last detention?" Umbridge said, twiddling her wand in her fingertips. Her gaze never wandered away as she held a mischievous smile. The daunting feeling crept up into Harper's esophagus as she shook her head no.

"Sorry, what was that?" Umbridge asked, wanting to hear the words before she said the curse.

"No professor," Harper stated. Her voice was strong, unbreaking for the circumstances she was about to endure.

"Nothing between you and Flynn Dolos transpired then?" Her words leaked through her mouth seeping through Harper's self-conscious like snake venom. Harper shook her head wordlessly, afraid her voice would deceive her.

"And you didn't attend a meeting that your brother was hosting shortly after this incident transpired?" Umbridge questioned, already knowing the answer, but having no evidence to back it up.

"No, professor," Harper stated, wrapping her arms around the desk tightly, waiting for the inevitable.

"It pains me to do this to you, Ms. Potter," Umbridge looked up from her wand. Her smile deceived the actions that followed. "You leave me no other choice," She pushed down the picture of Crouch on her desk, standing up and moving in front of it.

Draco stood emotionless at the door as he watched the scene in front of him. The only thing he wanted to do in this situation was pick her up and drag her far away from the terrible lady. Either way, she was going to get painted as the villain. No one would believe her and no one would even let him speak to support her story.

"You leave me no other choice, maybe this time it will loosen your tongue," Umbridge said, her acting performance top-notch as a tear almost strayed down her cheek.

Draco flinched as the words left Umbridge's mouth. The walls caved into him as he tried to focus on anything else. He found himself analyzing the paintings that adorned the wall. Kittens lined the portraits each holding their own personality. They looked childish. Carefree and happy. Their only problem was if they could meow louder than their neighbor painting.

The meows from the portraits suffocated his ears, making Harper's piercing screams feel like a distant memory as his mind started to drift. He could see her but no longer hear her. He watched as her mouth opened and closed, her head thrown back in agony. Thinking his mind was playing tricks on him he tried to push the meows out of his head and focus on the girl but couldn't.

Nothing he did made him hear Harper's yells for help; she seemed to become mute after thirty minutes of the never-ending curse. Sympathy and anguish ran through him as he watched her start to dig at her own skin trying to break out of the repeating cycle.

Oblivious -•- draco malfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora