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Chapter 18 ~ L'ovelorn


"Are you ready for your present?" Harper asked excitedly as she let go of his hand jumping before him as they stepped into Hogsmead.

Draco held a smirk looking at the joyful girl in front of him. "Should I?" He questioned, slightly skeptical.

"Of course," She said, turning back around as she almost skipped to the building.

"You'll like it mate, don't worry," Blaise said from his side, looking at the boy's slightly worried expression.

"Where are we going?" he paused, waiting for someone to answer, but he spoke again. "Why is my gift in Hogsmeade?"

"Oh stop pestering," Harper said, grabbing his hand again, "Where almost there," she smiled, relaxing the boy.

The three walked soundlessly to the building Harper crept behind him, going unnoticed by Draco as he talked to Blaise about the late-night quidditch game they were doing. She brought herself onto her tippy toes covering his eyes as they rounded the corner. Draco stopped in his tracks with a small smile overcoming his face.

"I can no longer see, love," He said, not tempted to move and trip over his own feet.

"That is the whole point," She said. "Okay, I'm going to give you a countdown," She paused, trying to raise his nerves while Blaise stood there silently watching the two.

"Well hurry up," Draco's nerves and anticipation were getting the best of him.

Harper rolled her eyes before she continued, "One...Two......Three," She let her arms fall, and the building started to come into focus for Draco.

The brightest smile overcame him as he looked like a little kid in a candy shop. He swiftly turned around to face Harper. "I know it's a different present but you liked mine so I thought it would be cool, you know. Of course, anything you get I'll pay for. If you don't want to get anything that's totally cool too, I have a backup gift," the words spewed out her mouth as she looked down at her hands fiddling with them.

Draco swiftly grabbed her hand, stopping her from rambling even more as he opened the door to the tattoo parlor. "Harper," a girl's voice rang out as the door shut behind the three.

"Astoria?" Harper questioned, peeking her head around Draco's shoulder.

Astoria smiled at the older witch. Harper slowly walked past the boys making her way to the girl. "Seems like I haven't seen you in forever," Harper laughed as she brought the girl into a hug. "How are you?" Harper rushed out completely forgetting about the boys behind her.

"I'm good, fourth year is so boring nothing is happening as of late," Astoria said, slightly annoyed by the non-eventful year.

"It's called peace before the storm," Harper giggled, receiving one back. "What are you doing here?" Harper asked.

"Getting a tattoo of course, why else would I be here," Astoria said sarcastically.

"You're too much like your sister," Harper said, rolling her eyes.

"I am of course the better Greengrass," she said playfully, as she scanned her eyes behind Harper. "Speaking of," She paused, looking at Draco up and down before her eyes landed back on Harper, "Where is she? And why are you here, with these two idiots?"

Harper fayed a smile noticing Astoria's eyes, "Oh my, I completely forgot about them," Harper said, motioning for the two to join the conversation. "Draco's and maybe Blaise if he wants one Christmas present," Harper said, not noticing Blaise's face light up with the mention of his name.

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