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Chapter 3~ Pink Toad


"Harry," Harper yelled from the bottom of the steps to her brother.

"What," he yelled standing at the top of the stairwell.

"Hurry up," She snapped, turning back around to Hermione, who mouthed a thank you, she simply nodded as she made her way to the boys.

"Are you two apparating to the train station," Harper asked her two favorite twins.

"Do we look like muggles using a car," they said in unison.

"No, no you do not," she answered them, "Mind if I tag along, don't feel like staying in this musty place much longer than I have to," she said, the real reason, she could feel Tonks and Remus's eyes staring at her wherever she went.

"As long as you're okay with the chance of being splinched," Fred said nonchalantly.

"Can I be put back together," she said, already grabbing her things.

"Yes," the two held an amused expression at the anxious girl.

"Then let's get going then," she smiled, turning to Hermione who was already watching the three. "Can you tell Molly that I have run off with her sons, please Hermione," Hermione nodded at the girl, the smile never dropping from her face.

Fred extended his hand to the girl, while George grabbed Harper's trunk. "Just don't let go, okay," Fred said nervously now.

"Would never dream of it," she sarcastically said, making the boy blush as she clung to his forearm. Twelve Grimmauld Place zoomed out of vision as she felt like she was being bounced from wall to wall. They finally landed, and Harper stumbled into Fred even more as she clung onto him trying not to fall or vomit as they arrived at the train station.

"Harper, you're scaring the ladies," Fred laughed, pulling the girl off him, and looking at her queasy complexion.

"That comment alone is gonna make me vomit," Harper gagged out, receiving a laugh from George as he made his way over to the pair.

"Hello, love bugs," George said sarcastically.

Harper held her hand up, shaking her finger at the twin. "Shut it," Harper said, finally pulling herself back together. George already put her trunk and Binx on the train, now they just had to wait for the rest of the Weasleys and her brother to arrive.

"What?" She looked at the twins who shared the same amused expression.

"Oh nothing," they quipped, turning around and trying to walk away.

Harper pulled them back around and restated her question, more annoyance lacing her words. "Seems like someone is waiting for us to leave to say hi," Fred said, slightly pointing to Blaise who sat agitated looking at Harper and the twins.

"Oh," She let the boys go, not before telling them to come to grab her once everyone arrived. The twins were not even ten feet in front of her when a boy came bundling over to her wrapping her into a hug that picked her feet up off the ground.

"Blaise," She smiled into his chest, holding him tightly as she smelled the burnt parchment and leather wafting through her nose. He put the petite girl down, she took in his stature finally, "Have you grown," she said pinching his cheeks.

"I think you have just shrunk Har," he smiled, messing up her hair.

"Now we should never mess up a lady's hair, Blaise," A tall petite woman said behind Blaise.

"Yes, sorry Harper," his voice became stiff.

Her voice came out once again softer this time, "and who is this poor girl that has to deal with you," she said sarcastically, giving Harper a light-hearted smile.

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