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Chapter 16 ~ D'eprived


"What's your deal with Draco," Emily said to Harper as they walked to their last class of the day.

"Nothing, why?" Harper acted dumb, knowing she was ignoring him all day and never spoke to him directly.

"You just seem off, ever since that night," Emily said side-eyeing the girl as they walked into Snape's classroom.

Harper sat down, the potion that he planned to teach already on the board. "Strange," Harper said, dropping the conversation before it even truly started. Students filed into the room Pansy, Daphne, and Flynn sat in front of them, while Blaise and Draco sat behind them.

Harper sat emotionlessly in her seat already knowing how to complete the potion without a demonstration. She watched as Emily was writing down notes, Pansy and Daphne just flirted mindlessly in front of her.

"Can you get the stuff?" Harper asked, noticing Snape was done talking. Emily was already getting up before she asked. Emily brushed it off, saying a quiet yeah as she went to the cabinet to retrieve the items.

Harper began to set up, ignoring the eyes that felt like they were suffocating her. Emily soon came over and she quickly got to work. She told Emily repeatedly that she didn't need help. She finally gave up after ten minutes of persistence, turning her body around to talk to Blaise and Draco.

"Maybe you should talk to her," Emily mumbled to Blaise as if Harper couldn't hear every word that the three were saying.

"She's been rather mean lately, I'd rather not," He softly spoke watching as Draco was doing the potion.

Harper began to clean up soon after never mentioning or seeming as she overheard the conversations Emily and Blaise were having about them. She straightened her station up before she headed up to Snape, handing him the potion.

He barely looked at it, pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to Harper. She said a small thank you, turning back around to see the penmanship that graced the page. Her heart dropped looking at the words.

"You okay?" Emily said, waiting at the desk.

"Yeah," she said, placing a smile back on her face before she left the room. Draco soon finished a couple of minutes after.

"What was on the note," Emily pestered as they made their way into the common room.

"Just have detention with Umbridge again," Harper plainly stated, pulling out her books and trying to get a head start on homework.

"Seems like you have them every other day lately," Emily said absentmindedly, "What are you doing," She laughed slightly looking up from her book.

"Being the twin of Harry Potter is a reason enough I guess," Harper scoffed, continuing to read, not looking at Draco or Blaise as they walked in. She started to write on the pages finishing her essay for positions first. The three-page scroll only took her an hour as she picked up the next assignment which was Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Flynn came into the room. She only noticed as he sat next to her on the couch. She paid him no mind as she began to write. She could feel the eyes on her, as she was doing the assignment. An hour and a half later she finished the five-page scroll assignment, placing it neatly in her bag.

Harper began to look through her notebook seeing what she had to do for Transfiguration and Charms, already knowing she didn't have any work for Herbology. Transfiguration she simply had to learn a spell which she pushed for later in the week. She looked at the charm's homework, which was to unscramble the spells and put them in a sentence. She easily did the assignment in thirty minutes.

Oblivious -•- draco malfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora