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Chapter 7 ~T'ainted


//TW SH//

"You cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love," the familiar voice rang out as Harper made her way to Umbridge's office for detention.

"I do not love her," a second voice blurted out, Harper began to hide in the shadows as she waited for her brother to meet her.

"You have to realize that you are in the wrong."

"I am not, she's the one that went to the daily prophet"

"Do you honestly believe that"


"Then keep her at a distance, stop bringing her in to just push her away again"

"I am not"

"Yes, yes you are. Her heart is big, she will let you leave and come back as many times as you would like, but I am tired of seeing the pain and hurt in her eyes every time you do"

The voices stopped once Harry started to walk down the corridor, "Harper," the name bounced from wall to wall. Harper left her little nook, making her way to her brother putting on a smile.

"You ready?" She asked, looking over her brother's shoulders to see two figures in green robes walk past.

"Yeah," Harper nodded at her brother, as she knocked on the door, a swift come-in could be heard. The pair made their way to where they sat last detention.

Umbridge handed out the pieces of papers and quills without saying a word making her way back to her desk. "Mr. Potter," his head sprang up to the Professor, "You will be writing 'I must not tell lies'," she repeated like last time.

She turned to Harper, her face holding something vile, "And Ms. Potter you will be writing, 'Attention whore'," Harry's head shut up at the word, a questioning look when he met Harper's eyes.

Harper ignored her brother, nodding at the Professor as she started to write the words. Her perfect penmanship started to grace her skin once more. Reopening the scabbed over-cut once she started.

The word seeker was soon replaced with whore as she dug the quill down onto the paper. She repeated the action several times until blood started to trickle from her hand. She watched as it started to cascade down the page.

Her eyes began to grow wide as the quill started to fill up with her own blood as she began to write. The once-black words became a crimson red with each letter.

She brought herself to think about anything but the quill that had begun to fill up with her own blood. The conversation in the hall was what jumped into her head.

The voices were so familiar but she couldn't put names too. She absentmindedly thought of who they were while she began to write the words. Not realizing her brother's glance no longer was on his own paper and was staring at her.

She continued to write, thinking now of Draco. How he could be so nice and caring one minute and then snap back into a ruthless person the next? How he could say words just to get information out of her, just because he knew he could.

Draco's words from the previous night bore down on her. The words repeating themselves in her head, 'You starve yourself, you cut yourself, what else do you do to yourself for attention.' What else would I do for attention? The question bounced in her thoughts.

Blood now dropped to her white cuff sleeve. Harper paid no mind to it. 'I starve myself to feel control' she thought. 'I have control over that, no one can take that away from me. And sometimes I'm just not even hungry. I don't even mean to do it sometimes, it's just that it is engraved into me by Vernon.' Excuse after excuse she put through her head to try and disprove Draco's statement.

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