We have to be ready to fight.

"What's going on?" Tara asks groggily, shoving herself up in bed as I turn around to face the girls. "Walkers got in." I say grimly.

Enid and Rosita already has their guns out. I point at Rosita's chest. "You stay here and protect the girls and Liam." I order vehemently. "I don't care what you hear, you don't leave this room. You make sure they're safe. Got it?"

Rosita nods. Our eyes hold as understanding passes between us. She's a fighter, but I need to know someone is here in case things go sideways out there. Rosita is smart and resourceful enough to get the girls and Liam out if it came to it.

Enid steps up beside her, lifting her gun. "We won't let anything happen to them." She promise me and Dani who keeps glancing at Liam. He's sitting next to Judith's crib, talking to her to distract her.

I nod once briskly, loading my crossbow as Dani turns back to me. "You ready, darlin'?" I ask. She glances at Rosita and Rosita nods at her. She takes a deep breath before moving towards me. "Let's go." She replies and I open the door.

Danielle's POV

The snarl of walkers combined with screaming echos through the large old house. I can hear the thwack of of Daryl's crossbow behind me as he and I fight our way to the stairs. It's pandemonium. Everyone is panicking. No one seems to know what is happening or what to do.

I kick out the first walker I come to, knocking it back into the railing. I stab it with a single strike through the eye and move on to the next and the next. People are running into each other as they frantically fight to get away. Some are trying to come up the stairs, while others are fighting to escape down the stairs. Daryl's crossbow releases again behind me and a walker rolls all the way down to land on the rug at the bottom.

I keep fighting my way through. Slashing and stabbing through the walkers that have some how got in. I'm still in confusion on how the hell they are in here. Did someone leave the gate open or something?

I hear a clatter behind me. Daryl must be out of bolts and thrown his crossbow down to draw his knife. We clear all the way to the stairs. The two of us take them down two at a time so we can help the group below. We fight shoulder to shoulder in the foyer.

Ezekiel is standing with Rick and Siddiq as they work over the body of one of our people who have been bit. The man's screams echo louder than the others as they amputate his arm where he lays.

Jesus and Michonne are ushering people out of the house as Daryl and I fight.

I snap one off, landing it in the temple of a walker about to attack Ezekiel from behind. He turns just in time to see it fall. "Lady Dani!" He calls in appreciation, a broad smile in his face. I salute to him before I pull out another knife and turn back to the attacking walkers.

The man's screams are drawing them from the others room, bringing them straight to us.

There's a smattering of gunfire outside and Daryl snaps his head around to Jesus and Michonne. "Get out there!" He yells to them. They can't keep sending people outside of there are more walkers. Most of these people will be helpless against even just one walker. "We got this!" He calls, slamming his knife into the top of one of the walkers skulls.

Morgan comes running up behind me and I whirl around and tense when I see it's him. He struck out with his stick killing two more next to me. I might be grateful for him right now but I still don't like him.

Daryl stands, wrenching his knife from the skull of the walker he had just killed. "What the hell happened?" He growls to no one in particular.

I move around the pile of dead bodies, rolling them over with my foot so I can reclaim my knives. I wipe them off on the walkers clothes and am surprised by how clean they are.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now