1. A Place In This World

Start from the beginning

"They are the ones that elected you. If you lose their votes-"

"I'll gain more. If I can supply water to these people," he point out his window towards the people that are gathered around his car, "I'll be able to gain more votes. Do you know how many rich people live on the upper side? 2000. And do you know how many people live in this slum? 32,000. I'll be drowning in votes. Do as I say."

His manager huffed and tried to put some more sense into him. "Those 2000 people made you MP. You can't piss off the rich."

"I am not leaving them in drought, I am just setting up a limit for their resources. And I don't want to be MP, Sonakshi. I want to be MLA. I want to become the Chief Minister. Now do as I say."

"You just want to win."

The car drove past the people, reaching the highway. Advait finally let his polite smile slip, turning to smirk at his manager.

"Everyone in politics only wants to win. I'll just pitch some good in between."


Sagar Kapoor turned his hobby of reading books into a career. He established the biggest publication house of the continent and that led him to the roads of love. Aditi was just his favorite writer, he only wanted to work with her. That was until he met her. She was just like him and yet so different. She never took his kindness for weakness, she understood him and he, her.

These two extremely sweet people bore a thunderstorm. Their daughter, the second born of the generation, Trisha Kapoor. Unlike Advait, who had traits of both his father and mother, Trisha often seemed like she fell from the sky. She was not creative like her mother, or calm like her father. She was a woman who had a purpose and who worked to get it to fruition. By hook, or by crook.

Trisha let her uncle rest. She took over the Kapoor hotel chain five years ago and raised it up to exceptional heights. She touched every new milestone, with the end of her pointed stilettos, and still aimed to climb higher. She expanded her business, brought in profits and if she had free time on her hands, she crushed misogynistic bugs. And today, she seemed to be really free. She was the woman, men trembled at the sight of. Well atleast the ones that had the misfortune of meeting her.

She ate arrogant, patriarchal society men, raw for breakfast and that is exactly what she planned on doing today. She walked in on a meeting that was scheduled for 4'o clock, an hour late. She wasn't busy, and was aware of the time, she just didn't like the man she was to meet, so she sat in her office and enjoyed her coffee, watching this man get impatient through the cctv footage.

"You are late." The man huffed the very second, she settled down in her seat. Her eyes snapped up to the man, her expression plain and yet she mocked him with her eyes. He was the one desperate for this meeting, he has some guts snapping at her. Of course she arrived late, but beggars can't be choosers. This man had to be made aware of this famous statement. The man ground his molars at her lack of response. "Is there someone above you that I can talk to about this deal?"

Her expression didn't change. This was her daily routine, if anything, she was bored of this by now. "You can talk to me. I am the CEO." The man scoffed in amusement. "Kapoors let a little girl run this business? No offense to you sweetheart, but this is a cutthroat world, girls like you only end up on the dumps."

Something finally made her smile. Malicious and evil, but a smile. "Yes. And here I am, on the verge of bankruptcy, begging another successful hotel owner to buy my drowning resort line." She mocked him with no smile and so the man knew he should shut up. "Guess the cutthroat world dumps men like you in the very same trash can."

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