Sore Lou-Ser

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"Morning, campers. Just a couple quick announcements from your fearless Lou-ders," Lou joked.

Matteo giggled. "Lou-ders."

"Thank you, Matteo. Friend of comedy." Lou took a deep breath. "Tomorrow we start the Sportsmanship Games where we compete in a series of events while maintaining grace and goodwill against those snobby pit sniffers from Camp Champion."

"Is your step-brother still there?" Griff asked curiously.

"Hence the pit sniffers," I mumbled, making him smile.

"I know, I know. But if you sign up to compete, remember, it's about having fun. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's about how you play the game. Especially when you always lose. Oh, and one more thing. After some relentless petitioning from one very annoying camper, dinner tomorrow night will be vegetarian Sloppy Joes. And to the rest of you, be sure to eat a big lunch."

"Are you allowed to compete?" Noah asked.

"Sure am. I am a counselor, and I want to see the look on my brother's face when we get that paddle," I said.

"You and me?" Griff offered.

"As always," I replied with a smile.


"Why is that lady walking like she's got a wedgie?" Ava asked as I walked over with Griff.

"That's Barb Barca. Speedwalking gold medalist and Camp Champion Camp Director. She rules with an iron fist and a weird roll in her hips. We've been rivals for years. Don't let her get in your head," Lou explained as the woman walked over.

"Please," I scoffed quietly.

"Look, who it is. Lou the Lou-ser," Barb taunted.

"Look who it is, Barb the Barc-er, because you're barking up the wrong tree," I said, glaring at the woman.

"Feisty," Barb said. "Name?"


"Caleb, control your sister," Barb demanded.

"I'm not barking up that tree," Caleb joked as he walked by, making Barb sigh.

I turned back to Lou. "Great job." She sighed.

"Juvie is tougher than her. Nobody at that camp scares me," I admitted.

"When was the last time you were there?" Griff asked, worried.

"Dad brought me there to 'show me how it looked from the outside,'" I explained.

"Your dad's a jerk, that's for sure," Griff mumbled.



"Okay. Welcome to the Sportsmanship Games. Our first event is dodgeball."

"And we all know who's going to win."

"Well, you might be surprised."

"No, I don't think you will."

"But let's remember what's important about the Sportsmanship Games."


"Play ball!" Lou blew her whistle.

Griff and I had excellent aim, and Gwen and Ava were very sporty. We won quickly, Griff getting the final shot. Barb looked at us in disbelief. We got a big hug from Lou. Some of us squealed in excitement. By us, I meant the girls. Griff and I hugged. He kissed the top of my head, making me grin.

We won against Camp Champion.


Our second game was a mini-series of challenges. We won and lost. Our points were tallying up, and we were closer and closer to a tie. Caleb smirked, thinking he was going to win. I wasn't going to let that happen.

I then noticed that our team wasn't having fun. It was always Griff, Ava, Gwen, and me.

"Lou. Lou, we need to talk," I said, walking up to the co-director.

"Why? You and Griff are going to win," Lou said.

"Ava and Gwen are tired. Can't you see that? And we have other team members who are more than willing to help. I know they're not our best team, and you want to be a proud Woodchuck, but can you reason?"

"You're right," Lou said.


Matteo and Noah. We were only in the one round. Barb blew the whistle, startling us. Matteo went after a baby egg. I smiled. He was smiling as well. Barb threw her egg to the ground. We froze. It didn't break.

"You cheated?" Barb questioned her team. "I love cheating! But you gotta loop me in!"

"This means you forfeit this event," Lou said, a smirk growing on her face.

"Kikiwaka wins!" Matteo realized.

"The whole shebang? We won the whole shebang?" I said.

Camp Kikiwaka cheered. Griff hugged me from behind. Barb handed the paddle to me.

"You know, (Y/n), you're tough-"

"She's mine," Lou growled, wrapping her arm around me.

"I'm hers," I joked.

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