Mo-Squito Mo Problems

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"The beautiful night sky, the stars overhead, the midsummer breeze-"

"Nothing like the fake outdoors," Ava commented.

"Paper marshmallows aren't as good as the real ones," Gwen added.

"Work with me, people. It's either this or we go back outside and get eaten alive by the mosquito swarm," Lou said.

"Too late. I think I can win the Most Delicious Camper award," Destiny snapped.

"Don't be ridiculous. The Most Delicious Camper award goes to Layla," Lou said.

"Don't you guys use bug repellent?" Gwen asked.

"It's useless. This year, the mosquitos are bigger, faster, and resistant to anything you throw at them," I explained.

"It's like they're supercharged and we're completely useless against their tiny-legged march toward world domination," Lou added.

"It's finally time for my roly-poly rebellion," Finn said.

"One of our duties as co-directors is to make sure you all go home with as much blood as you came to camp with," I said. "So, until further notice, nobody goes outside after sunset, got it?"

Everyone groaned. We would miss out on fun activities that we got to do before that time. And Griff and I couldn't go on any dates. Griff looked at me for reason in the situation. Like he was pleading with me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Does anybody have a better solution?" Lou questioned.

"I hear your call to action, and I accept!" Matteo announced. "As the founding and only member of the Camp Kikiwaka Science Club, I will make it my pledge, scratch that, I will make it my goal, scratch that, I will make it my mission, scratch that..."

"Please stop saying scratch that," Destiny said, annoyed.

"Sorry." Matteo turned back to the crowd. "I'll fix the mosquito problem! You can count on it!"

Everyone clapped for him.

"So, in other news, as you all know, we've been looking all summer for a new song leader. That being said, we finally have a volunteer to audition. Chef Jeff, come on out!" Lou announced.

"Hello, Kikiwaka! Chef Jeff is about to lay down some tasty licks!"

"Uh-oh," Lou mumbled.

Lou eventually stopped him. I was covering my ears the whole time.


"Welcome back to our first real campfire since skeeter-geddon! Let's start by giving a round of applause to Matteo, who is the only reason we're able to be out here tonight. Thank you, Matteo!"

Everyone clapped for him. Matteo decided to stand up and give a speech.

"While it's great to be recognized as the camp genius, I had a lot of help in making the spray. None of us would be outside right now without the one who's always been there for me, the one I don't thank enough. My old friend, science!"

"Noah?" I looked around for him, noticing he wasn't there with Griff.


"Hey, Noah," I said, sitting down at the table. "How are you?"

"Did Lou send you my way?" Noah asked, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Kind of." Noah sighed. "I also wanted to talk to you about it. I have a similar experience."

"Fine. Tell me," Noah said.

"My mom died when I was young. When my dad remarried a couple of years ago, it sent my sister and I through a spiral. And finally, we eventually accepted it. And I know there's a difference between divorce and remarrying, but there's something in common there. A big change," I explained.

Noah smiled. "Thanks, (Y/n)." He took a deep breath. "It really is hard. I don't know what's going to happen to them, and I don't know how to react."

"Start with this." I pushed a journal up to him. "I know it's cliche, and a little weird, but it helps write down your feelings. And maybe, it'll help you find a way to adjust."


"Okay, everyone-"

"Hey, Lou. Before we start, can I make an announcement?" Matteo asked.

"Announcements are kind of our thing, but I guess so," Lou said. "This is how my power unravels."

I rolled my eyes at my friend. "Go ahead, Matteo."

Matteo stood up. "I just want to say that none of us would be outside right now if it weren't for my good friend-"

"We know, we know. Your good friend science," Lou finished, slightly annoyed.

"Does everyone know this science guy but me?" Finn questioned.

"I was going to say my good friend Gwen," Matteo said. "Gwen made the paste that was in my mosquito spray. I should have publicly given her credit for her solving the mosquito crisis, but instead, I took all of it. Because I loved basking in the sweet nectar of your adulation. Which I don't get a lot of, because I say things like that. I'm sorry, Gwen."

"Thanks, Matteo," Gwen said, a soft smile on her face.

"You're the smartest person I know, and I think you should tell us how you made the mosquito paste. It really saved us all this week. Let's hear it for Gwen!"

"Well, at first I tried using lemongrass and eucalyptus, which are natural repellents. But neither of them were strong enough. And then I had my Eurek moment."

"Don't you mean eureka moment?" Griff questioned.

"No. I accidentally stepped in a cow patty and went, you-reek, Gwen! That's when I realized my secret ingredient."
"You mean..."

"That there's..."

"That's right. The secret ingredient to my mosquito paste is cow manure."

Everyone gagged. Noah said something, but I could barely hear him over the sounds of almost throwing up. I almost gagged myself, but realized I've had more disgusting smeared on my body either by accident or from military training.

"Hey, (Y/n), before the poop-laced repellent wears off and the mosquitos take back the night, can we have a song leaders audition?" Destiny asked.

"Of course." I grinned.

"Song leaders?" Lou questioned.

"Ava and Rachel," Destiny said.

"We've been working on a sing-a-long song that I'd like to try," Ava explained.

Ava and Rachel sat on stools, Ava strumming a guitar. Rachel was there to make sure Ava wouldn't get stage fright. We figured that if Ava couldn't do it solo, they would be a duo.

The two girls sang together, which sounded so beautiful. Rachel harmonized while Ava kept the main melody. We joined in, Griff grabbing my hand. Everyone was having fun, joining in after a moment and supporting the two.

"Did she get it?" I whispered to Lou.


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