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"You know what I'd rather do than freeze my butt off in the middle of Central Park?" I questioned. "Literally anything else."

"Relax, Prescott, there's some winter sales at a couple of shops that I want to check out, and then we can get hot chocolate, or whatever you want," Rachel explained.

"You know, there's this thing called shopping online, it's very interesting," I said sarcastically.

"Do you have anywhere else to be today?" Rachel questioned.

"Yes! At home!" I scoffed.

"Who's your date?" Rachel crossed her arms.

"Food," I deadpanned.

"Of course it is," Rachel sighed.

First, we went to a jewelry store, where she bought a couple of gifts for her mom and her cousin. Then we went to an emo teenage shop, run by a girl with piercings on every inch of her face.

I fixed my hair again, so it was hiding. I bleached it, and it was a mess. I'm going to dye it (f/c) soon.

"Someone just painted this room," I said, smelling paint fumes.

"How can you tell?" Rachel raised an eyebrow.

"Trust me. I can smell chlorine, paint, and confectioner's sugar from ten feet away," I assured her.

"Okay, how the third one?" Rachel asked curiously.

"Luke spilled it all over Ravi as a prank. Just got out of the shower, so it basically covered him in glaze," I explained.

"Wicked," Rachel breathed, not at my story, but at a pair of fingerless gloves. She slipped them on and flexed them. She tossed me a pair, and I slipped them on. They looked pretty cool.

We bought them for ourselves and walked down the street, clutching our bags. Rachel started humming, making me smile.

"What do you say?" Rachel pointed at a hair salon.

I nodded, and we got our hair done. I got my hair dyed (f/c) while Rachel only got highlights in her light brown hair. I fluffed my new hair, laughing joyfully as we walked down the street.

"Anything from Griff?" Rachel asked as we walked into a restaurant.

"Hi, just a heads-up. The wait is two hours," the waiter said.

"No, thanks." Rachel grabbed my hand, and we walked out.

"I don't know. He didn't text me this morning, but he's probably with his friends." I shrugged.

Ironically, my phone went off with a text from Griff. It was a picture of the sign welcoming cars to New York. My eyes widened. I took a picture of my hair, adding the text 'Come find me'.

"What is this, hide and seek?" Rachel joked.

"Exactly what it is." I smiled.

We went home and up to the penthouse. I knocked on Emma's door rapidly. She answered it in annoyance.

"What?" Emma questioned.

"Get ready, we're going to walk the city," I instructed.

"Why?" Emma asked, confused.

"Because our boyfriends are in town. Is that a valid reason?" I questioned.

Emma shut her door, and I heard a shrill yell. I giggled and changed into my heavy leather jacket and slipped on the fingerless gloves. I laced up my combat boots and the three of us went down the elevator.

"So, where are they?" Emma asked excitedly.

"Dunno. They're just in the city." I shrugged.

"Why not tell them where we are?" Emma questioned.

"Because where's the fun in that?" I retorted.

We made it to Central Park and smiled. A band was playing, like usual, and Rachel danced to it.

My Griffin:
Pinetum, perhaps?

Close. Five minutes away.

My Griffin:


"He's getting closer," I assured Emma.

"I wish he was here," Emma replied.

"(Y/n), Britney Spears," Rachel started the game.

"Mama, I'm in love with a criminal-"

"And he found you."

Emma squealed as she went to hug her boyfriend. I got up and hugged Griff tightly. He smiled into my hair. I pulled away, kissing him sweetly on the lips.

"How are you guys?" Rachel asked.

"Great." Xander smiled. "We're here on a road trip. We're supposed to be going to West Virginia, but we stopped here to stay overnight."

"Sounds fun." I smiled. "Anyway, welcome to New York, where this is as much excitement you can get in Central Park."

"Come on, it can't be that bad," Griff snorted.

"Hey, stop that squirrel!" Officer Petey said, running after a squirrel carrying a peanut.

"It can be that bad," I corrected him as Xander and Griff stared.

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