Bungle in the Jungle

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"Well, after last night's unfortunate events, we are out of bear attack report forms and gauze. So, I am off to town," Ravi explained.

"I told you that outdoor jerky-drying festival was a bad idea," Destiny said.

"And don't buy any more of those honey-scented candles," Finn added.

"Salmon-scented it is!" Ravi decided, walking off.

"All right! Let's get this party started. You guys want to carbon-date the wood on these tables?" Matteo asked.

"Nope. I'm not ready to party quite that hard." Destiny shook her head.

"Okay. You guys wanna play pool?" Finn suggested.

"Nope. Boring," Destiny said.

"Besides, all the cue sticks are broken, thanks to you," Matteo added.

"We were riding horses. What else was I supposed to use as a jousting lance?" Finn questioned.

"Okay, let's go on a walk," Griff decided.

"Agreed," I sighed, walking out of the Mess Hall with him hand-in-hand.


"Hey, (Y/n), can we talk?" Rachel asked, walking into my room.

"Of course. What's up?" I asked.

Rachel sat on my bed, looking down. "I want you to understand that I tried everything I could."

"Rach, spit it out," I said.

"The district wants to cut our team," Rachel admitted.

I faltered. "What?"

"Since we've been getting so many complaints about harassment, they're considering cutting the money from our team and moving it to an all-girl group," Rachel explained.

I looked down at the bed. "Thank you for telling me, Rach. Do Kristen and Alex and Sammy know?"

"No. They're getting their letters, but since I went to get the mail, I already went through ours," Rachel said, tears falling from her eyes.

"We need to renew our image," I stated.

"How?" Rachel asked.

"By showing that we have a better, stronger team than before."


"Thank goodness Emma's letting us use the pad for the week," I said in relief, setting it up on the table.

Sammy, our soprano, was the highest singer in the group. She could question Ariana Grande's vocal range. She was an absolute angel, and could pull off any acting we pushed in front of her.

Alex, our baritone, could sing as low as an actual bass drum. He had some experiences in the past with harassment, and that's why he was horrified when Kevin was outed.

Kristen, our tenor, was a mix of alto and tenor, but he mostly did the latter. He was so sweet to everyone, especially when we introduced ourselves during competitions.

Rachel was an alto. A sweet, smooth voice that could make anyone fall to her feet. We've been best friends since we were eight, and ever since she sang to an old childhood TV show, I knew we would be the perfect duet.

I was (v/r). It was so much fun, singing with the matching person. Sure, we already had one, but sometimes we need another to harmonize.

"Hey guys," I greeted our team brightly.

"Hey," the three said sadly.

"Look, I know you all got your letters, and that's why I texted you," I explained.

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