Camp Kiki-slasher

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People screamed around us as I jumped, another shiver running through me. Griff held me by my waist, assuring me that someone was protecting me. I almost spasmed as there was another scream from around us.

"Hey, Xander, are you screaming because you're scared, or because your bra is too tight?" Jorge grinned.

"I was screaming because Emma just ruptured my eardrums," Xander said, looking at the movie.

I tuned back into the movie as Murphy yelled out snacks. The movie stopped as the crowd booed. Lou fell, and I quickly got up to help her.

"Guys, this is a great way to begin our Friday the 13th Horror Weekend," Ravi reasoned.

"Yeah, we start with a scary movie, and finish with an even scarier barbeque," Xander explained.

"What's so scary about the barbeque?" Emma asked.

"Murphy is cooking it," Xander said solemnly.

We shuddered as Griff helped me up from the ground. He chuckled, hugging me with a smile. We swapped our bracelets before heading in the opposite direction.

"Good night, sweet dreams," Griff called.

"Good night, you too," I replied, walking into Weasel Cabin. "Lights out in five seconds, soldiers. Five, four, three, two, one."

As I counted, the girls scrambled to get in their beds. Ever since I talked about my father putting me in the military school, they were afraid I had some sort of weapon with me at all times. I threatened once, and they now listen to me whenever Hazel's away.

"Good night, Weasels," Hazel said, annoyed as she climbed into bed.

"Good night."


"Okay. One, two, three," I counted before Griff and I lifted the table.

We carried it down to the lake before heading back up. We high-fived, our bracelets connecting for a second before ripping apart.

"You guys ready for the big barbeque? We got a lot of meat this year, thanks to that busy highway near the camp, and some very indecisive elk," Murphy said.

Griff and I turned our backs for one second to help a counselor, and the next second, we heard laughing and, "Oh, for the love of cod! I spent all morning getting the tire marks off that meat! And you ruined my famous barbeque sauce!"

"Is that the same sauce that made the whole camp sick last year?" Ravi asked.

"Yeah, that's what it's famous for," Emma said, making me frown.

"Oh, hardy-har-har. Mark my words, you kids are gonna pay for this later," Murphy said.

Gladys walked over, gasping. "What the heck happened here?"

"I'm pretty sure the kids just saved the whole camp from food poisoning," Xander smiled.

"Get back to work. Tiffany, Zuri, Jorge, go out and get some more firewood. Xander, Ravi, go check the highway for more meat," Gladys instructed.

"She knows there is a supermarket five minutes away, correct?" Ravi asked.


"Guys, something terrible is happening!" Jorge yelled, running into the mess hall.

"We know. Murphy's barbequing roadkill," Emma said.

"Hey, where I come from, that's good eats. Like my Dad always says, nothing tenderizes a possum like a big rig doing seventy," Lou argued.

"Yeah. Dad used to make Jessie and I eat whatever we killed, mostly rabbits or ducks," I added.

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