Hot Spring Friend Machine

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Lou and I stood in the Mess Hall for the daily announcements.

"Good morning, campers! I'm happy to announce that our grasshopper problem at Snake Cabin has been resolved with, ironically, a snake," Lou announced. "In other news, we have a mild, yet somewhat concerning snake problem in... Just let me know if you see any snakes."

"This is great!" Gwen gushed.

"How so?" Destiny questioned.

"I've always wanted a pet snake. And now, one can just fall from the ceiling! This is what they call living the dream," Gwen said excitedly.

"These snakes are not pets, Gwen. They're an infestation, like rats or bugs," Matteo explained.

Gwen shrugged. "Mosquito, mos-quato."

"No one worry. I've ordered a mongoose online and our problems should be alleviated in three to five business days," Lou assured us.

"What's a mongoose?" Finn asked.

"A snake's arch enemy. It's basically like a big ferret with an attitude problem," Matteo explained.

"I can respect that," Finn said with a smile.

"Because you're a spitting image of one," Griff remarked, making me smile.

"I am also pleased to announce that we have two newly-certified lifeguards. Ava, come on up." Everyone clapped. "Congratulations, Ava. You should be so proud."

"Best day of my life," Ava said sarcastically.

"Guess we should skip the photo-op then," I mumbled.

"And our other new lifeguard is Noah," Lou continued.

"What? Me? I'm so surprised." Noah hugged Lou. "I totally wasn't expecting this. I don't know what else to say." Noah pulled out an orange paper.

"I knew I should've hidden those notecards," Matteo said grimly.

"My love of swimming started the day I was born," Noah started, making Griff groan quietly. "It was a water birth. Let me take you through it."

"If only there was a lifeguard to save us from this speech," Destiny commented.

"Yeah, because we're drowning in boredom," I agreed, laying my head on Griff's shoulder.


I heard screaming as I dragged some kayaks to the lake. I looked back, confused.

I walked up to the fire, making some people sigh in relief. "Why are you guys screaming? Nothing scary here."

"False," Rachel squeaked.

"We thought you were a mutant bunny," Destiny said.

"No promises," I teased, smiling as I continued my tasks.


"Um, what's going on?" Gwen asked. "I thought you said I was gonna get to try a sprinkle dog."

"Welcome to Class Kikiwaka," Lou announced. "I know you're scared about starting school, so we're all here to help you see that there is nothing to be afraid of in a real classroom."

"This is all I've ever wanted at camp. Reading, math, science. More math?" Matteo said excitedly.

"Matteo really loves school," Destiny explained.

"If you haven't picked up on that," Griff said sarcastically.

"Okay, everyone. Please, take a seat," Lou instructed.

I sat next to Griff, holding his hand under the table. He smiled at me. We were doing this for Gwen; no matter how boring school could be. I wondered if it would be better for me if Griff were there. Walking to class with him, eating lunch, doing homework together. It sounded like a dream as I pulled myself back into reality.

"I don't think I wanna do this," Gwen said unsurely.

"Gwen, it'll be fun. When I got out of juvie, school was fun," I assured her.

"Yeah, Gwen. Miss Hockhauser is the best teacher ever," Destiny gushed.

"Do you kiss up this much in real school?" Griff questioned.

"Don't hate the player. Hate the game," Destiny snapped.

Finn raised his hand. "Yes, Finn?" Lou said.

"Do we have to learn, or are we just pretending to learn?" Finn asked.

Lou shrugged with a smile. "Just do what you normally do."

"Nap time," Finn said.

"Not now, Noah. The kitchen's closed," Lou said as Noah walked into the Mess Hall.

"Oh, did the health board finally shut it down?" Noah asked.

Lou laughed nervously. "What an untrue possibility, Noah. Class is in session, so unless you have a hall pass, please skedaddle."

"I just need to talk to Destiny, Finn, and Matteo for one second," Noah said.

"Today, we're going to start with reading. Lucky for you guys, I brought my favorite book of short stories. Has anyone here ever read, Ready Farmer One?" Lou asked.

"That's my favorite farmified dystopian allegory," Matteo gushed. "There are so many good ones."

"Gwen, would you like to read us the first page?" Lou asked.

"It, uh, looks like Matteo really loves the book. He can do it." Gwen held out the book to him.

Matteo laughed. "I read it twice already. You go."

"See, school is fun and supportive. Here." Lou opened the book.

Gwen looked panicked and nervous. I knew that look, from a lot of people.

"Do you need a minute?" I whispered to the girl.

Gwen nodded. I looked up at Lou. "Miss Hockhauser, can I talk to Gwen? Outside?"

Lou sighed. "Of course."

Gwen stood up and I walked with her outside. I sat at a bench outside of Weasel Cabin.

"I can tell when something is wrong. I grew up with older kids for four years of my life. Luke gave off the most signs. He had a hard time learning. And I want to help you, like I helped him. Can you tell me what's wrong, Gwen?" I explained softly.

"I... I can't read very well," Gwen admitted.

"If you'd like to, I will help you learn some new words, and help you practice. We'll get there," I assured her.

Gwen pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back, knowing she didn't have a lot of help with things. She grew up in an Amish-like lifestyle, and all she was taught was survival skills. Maybe, with me, I can teach her more than that.


"Everyone re..."

"It's okay. Break up the words. Take your time."

"Everyone re... mem... bers... where they were the day of the har... vest. Harvest!"

"Great job."

"I was sitting in the barn with the dogs and sheep..."


"As the pigs looked on... and all was well on the farm. The end," Gwen finished.

"You did it! You read all of Ready Farmer One," I said proudly.

"I did, and nobody laughed," Gwen realized. "I mean, except at the funny parts."

"Of course," I agreed.

"You were great. You're gonna kick school's butt," Destiny assured her.

"Are you trying to figure out if schools have butts?" Matteo asked Finn.

"No, I was thinking about the story. I think the pigs represent mankind's foolish pride."


"No. I was totally thinking about school butts," Finn admitted.

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