Luke Out Below

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"Got it?" I said, tossing him the hamburger meat.

"Yep," Griff replied, catching it with ease.

We were helping Murphy prepare lunch, hoping that I could help make the food taste decent. "Think this is better than what they're doing outside?" Griff asked.

"Oh, yeah. Right about now, Ravi told me that they're doing how to open a safety manual safely," I said with sarcastic jazz hands.


We walked into the Mess Hall together and my eyes widened. I sat down next to Luke as he didn't notice me at first.

"Wow, freckles, I'm surprised you haven't tried to say hi yet," I said.

He turned toward me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, missing the brotherly embrace.

"So, let's have some fun!" Luke said as I sat across from him with Griff. "I need to work off this... oatmeal?"

"Who knows? I'm just hoping those are raisins," Griff said.

Luke immediately pushed the bowl away from him, making me smile.

"Yeah, Emma and Ravi are in charge of safety week. To avoid injuries, Ravi and Emma made us play dodgeball with bubbles, while wearing goggles."

"Because soap stings your eyes," Griff and I said with annoyance.

"Don't worry. Luke's here. And we're gonna have some goggle-free fun," Luke said determinedly.


"Hey! Watch this everybody. My Mom calls this one... you're grounded," Luke said, standing on top of the table.

"Who is ready for another game of dodgebubble?" Ravi asked, walking into the Mess Hall with Emma.

"Luke, what are you doing? The food here is dangerous enough without you climbing the furniture," Emma scolded.

"Get down!" Ravi insisted.

"You got it," Luke smirked. He backflipped off of it, handing in a squat. Everyone clapped as he bowed.

"Luke, please set a good example for the campers, and try not to be so... you," Emma pleaded.

"Yes! That was extremely dangerous! What were you thinking?" Ravi questioned.

"I wasn't. That's what made it fun," Luke explained.

"Lighten up a bit, guys. It's safety week, not strict and no-fun week," I smiled.

"Oh dear. The terrible two are back together," Ravi deadpanned. "And not you and Griff."

"Oh, well," I shrugged, turning away from them.


"Hey, Ravi, what's more fun than climbing a rock wall?" Emma asked.

"I know, Emma. Climbing said wall-"

"Safely!" the two said in unison.

"I can't believe we're about to climb a plastic wall, when there's a real mountain right over there," Luke complained. "My typing class is more dangerous than this."

"Wrist cramps are nothing to sneeze at," Ravi said.

"Hey, you might want to get the nurse," Luke started.

"Why, is someone hurt?" Emma asked.

"Not yet, but... we're all about to die of boredom," Luke said raspily. He fell to the ground, pretending to suffocate as the kids laughed. "Please, continue to bore."

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