Luke's Back

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"Why do I feel like something's... off?" I asked as Rachel woke up.

"Maybe because Griff's not cuddling you," Rachel teased.

"No, Griff left at midnight," I said, making Rachel confused as I shook my head. "No, today's different."

"Okay, let's take your pondering to the Mess Hall, because I am starving," Rachel said, rolling her eyes before disappearing into her room.


"I'll take that," Griff said, making me smile as he slid his yang bracelet off of my wrist. "Is that my jacket?"

He was referring to the black jean jacket that stopped at my elbows. I shook my head. "I would've remembered if you left something in the cabin."

I walked into the Mess Hall and immediately brightened. I ran over to Luke, who was sitting with the Rosses. Luke stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Hey, sis," Luke greeted me. "Is that Griff's jacket?"

Griff sat down next to Zuri, his smile almost a smirk. I looked at Luke. "At this point, I don't care."

"Well, since Ravi's doing my homework, and I have some time, let's go hit the lake!" Luke said excitedly.

"It's not so much a lake, as runoff from a fracking operation," Zuri remarked.

"Hey, Griff and I made sure to stop the sludge someone's feeding into the lake," I said, offended.


"Xander!" Emma's eyes seemed to sparkle at the sight of her boyfriend. They hugged, making me smile. Griff wrapped an arm around me, which Luke smacked off. I rolled my eyes.

"Xander, this is my brother, Luke," Emma said after a moment.

"Hey, man, great to meet you," Xander said, shaking his hand.

"You, too. Did you know my sister snorts when you tickle her on the elbow?" Luke asked.

Emma scoffed. "I do not snort."

I snuck up behind her and tickled her elbow. She laughed, then drew in a breath, which unfortunately had to come out as a snort. She glared at me as Lou walked into the Mess Hall.

"Do you guys hear snorting? Bartholomew? Did my little piggy come to visit? Oh, hey Xander," Lou said excitedly.

"No, the only pig here is Emma," Ravi corrected her. "Oh, that came out wrong."


"You did what?"

My hands gripped the table as I wanted to strangle something. I had forced Ravi, Griff, and Luke to sit down at the table. I started pacing. Emma, Xander, Rachel, Zuri, and Lou were gathered around us. "You challenged a sports camp to a sports challenge they live, breathe, and sleep?"

"Ravi, Camp Champion is a sports camp. Their motto is 'Win or sleep in the lake'," Lou explained.

"Fracking runoff," Zuri corrected her.

"We'll never beat them," Rachel said, rolling her eyes.

"I hate those Camp Champion jerks. Three years ago, they snuck into the kitchen, and put mud on our meatloaf," Xander explained.

"How could you tell?" Emma asked.

"It had more worms than usual." Xander shrugged.

"And it tasted better," Lou added.

"If these guys are all super-athletes, how are we supposed to beat them?" Emma asked.

"Well, I'm pretty good with a bow and arrow," Luke pointed out. "Remember that time I shot an apple off Ravi's head?"

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