The Great Escape

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"Now, all you have to do is guess which cup the ball is under and you win!" Griff instructed.

I switched up the cups, smirking as I kept my eye on the cup with the ball under it. The kid picked up the wrong cup.

"Aw, too bad. Hand over the candy," I said with a sweet smile.

"Are you two tricking campers out of their candy again?" Xander asked.

"Hey, you should be thanking us," Griff said, glancing at me.

"By taking their candy, we're supporting these kids' good dental health," I reasoned.

"Yeah, you're saints," Emma said sarcastically.

"Aren't we?" I tilted my head, smiling.

"C'mon, Xander, give it a try," Griff offered.

"Okay, but I'm really good at these games. I have laser-like focus," Xander warned. "Ooh, is that a Scooter bar?"


"Which one is it under? I know you'll get it this time," Griff said encouragingly.

Xander picked the wrong cup up, and I giggled quietly.

"Rats!" Xander exclaimed as Griff took the gold watch.

"Please, please, please! One more time. I know I can win!" Xander begged.

"Too bad you have nothing left to bet." Griff shrugged.

"I do. I have a gold filling," Xander realized.

"Ew, no." I backed off.


"I think I ate a wrapper," Griff said with his mouth stuffed with candy.

"I told you to slow down, and you never listen to me," I laughed. "You know what? I had a really good time, today."

"Me too." Griff nodded.

I discarded the candy wrappers and put my hand on top of the table. Griff took his other hand and placed it on mine, letting our bracelets connect. It would never get old. Griff smiled at me lovingly.

"What?" I said cluelessly.

"(Y/n), I... I really like you."

I blushed madly. Did I really make it this far? "Wait, do you mean, you like me, or you like like me?"

Griff let out a breath, smiling. "I like like you."

"That's the like I was hoping for." I smiled.

"So, do you think maybe we could hang out sometime?" Griff offered.

"Do you mean hang out, or hang out, hang out?" I asked teasingly.

"Hang out, hang out," Griff laughed.

"Well, all right, all right," I joked as we let go, going back to the candy and grinning like fools at each other.


"I just love this part. She's all alone in the rain, and then there he is, with a pink umbrella... that belonged to his mother," Lou sobbed.

"So, what's your favorite kind of music?" I asked quietly.

"(F/g)," Griff shrugged.

"No way! Me too! Why do you like it?" I smiled.

"Well, some songs are about being in prison, so I can relate," Griff explained, making me giggle. "Hey, there's this (f/g) music festival all this week at Maren Harbor. If we can get a counselor to take us, you wanna go?" Griff suggested.

"Of course." I nodded, intertwining our fingers.


"And, Xander doesn't want us together." Griff stormed into Weasel Cabin.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"He thinks you're a bad influence," Griff groaned.

"Technically, we're a bad influence on each other, but that doesn't matter to Xander, does it?" I reasoned.

"No, I don't think it does." Griff shook his head.

"C'mere," I said.

He laid down next to me, smiling as he wrapped an arm around me. The feeling of butterflies shot straight down to my stomach. He smiled, holding me close to him. Like everything to his back was danger, and he was protecting me from it.


"Okay, we've only got a short amount of time before Xander comes back and finds me missing," Griff said, putting on his backpack.

"Let's go," I said, leaving the note on Hazel's bed.


"Yeah, we're taking this too far," I said, slowing down.

"What?" Griff questioned, confused.

"Going to a festival without permission because your overprotective brother won't let you see me doesn't sound like a good first date," I said, looking down.

"No, it doesn't," Griff said grimly. "Walk through the woods instead?"

I nodded. "That would be nice."

We reached a clearing, and I admired the beauty of it. Griff took my hand and twirled me, making me laugh. He pulled me close to him and I rested my hands on his shoulders. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a fairytale dream.




"You guys have been here the whole time?" Lou questioned.

"Where did you think we'd be?" Griff scoffed.

"Honestly, we thought you'd run off to that music festival by yourselves," Emma admitted.

"Well, we wanted to, but I didn't think that would be a great idea, and we would get in trouble," I reasoned.

"And I didn't want to get her in trouble." Griff smiled at me.

"So, instead, we took a walk in the woods," I explained.

"Looks like they're not such bad influences on each other after all," Lou said.

"Maybe we did overreact a little," Xander said.

"A little? You wouldn't let me see her during meals!" Griff argued.

"I'm sorry, guys. I really should've trusted you," Xander apologized.

"So, does that mean (Y/n) and I are... okay?" Griff asked, holding up our intertwined hands.

"I guess so," Emma relented as I smiled.

"In fact, maybe you guys could even go to that festival tomorrow. I mean, if you could find a counselor who loves (f/g) music." Xander jerked his head to Lou.

"Ooh, me, me!" Lou raised her hand excitedly.

"Thank you, Lou," I said sincerely.

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