Camp Stinky Waka

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"Okay, guys, we located the missing mail. Apparently, Bob the mailman was attacked by a bear," Lou explained.

"Oh, no. Zuri, I told you not to order all that smoked salmon," Emma scolded.

"Hey, I just wanted a taste of New York. Apparently, that bear did too," Zuri snapped.

Tiffany sat down, carrying a cup of juice.

"Anywho, this is everything the park rangers found at the scene," Lou said before dumping his bag. "Aw, his ring. Bob's wife is gonna want this."

"Huh, there's a letter in here just addressed to Daughter," Emma said.

"Oh, that's from my mother." Tiffany took it from her hands.

"That's what she calls you?" I questioned.

"If I'm lucky," Tiffany said.

"Better than being called Soldier, don't you think?" I sighed as I opened a letter from Rachel.

"And what does your mom say? If you don't win Camper of the Year, she's giving your room to the dog?" Lou teased.

"Oh, no! No, no, no, no," Tiffany exclaimed.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Did your mom send you another pop quiz? I'll get your graphing calculator," Zuri said, starting to get up.

"No, it's worse! My mother is coming to camp... today!" Tiffany said. She got up and started running out of the cabin.

"Where are you going?" Lou questioned.

"I'd rather take my chances with the mailman-eating bear!" Tiffany shouted.


"I just know he's down there. My nose hairs are wilting," Xander said as I walked up to them.

"Did Jorge clog the pipes again?" I questioned.

"No. There's a skunk under the cabin," Xander sighed.

"Supposedly," Griff added.

"What if it's not Big Stinky? What if it's a dead body?" Jorge questioned, starting to freak me out.

"I bet it's Nosy Nancy! Gladys said she left camp to see her parents, but I think it's because she knew too much," Griff explained.

I started to breathe heavily, my hands running through my hair. Griff immediately noticed and grabbed my arms, making me look at him with wide eyes. "Hey, (Y/n), it's okay, it's okay. There's no dead body, I was joking. We were joking. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out."

I slowed my breath with him and he hugged me, making me feel warmth spread throughout my body. I blushed lightly as I pulled away quickly after, embarrassed.

"Okay, we have to gently lure him out, and coax him back into the woods," Xander instructed.

"Got it." Griff nodded, picking up a shovel.

"Hey, you're not gonna hurt him, are you?" Jorge questioned.

"Well, I didn't grab this shove to tickle him," Griff deadpanned.

"Just, don't get him angry, 'cause when skunks get angry, they-"

"Skunk!" Jorge shouted as Griff pushed me behind him.

The skunk sprayed Xander, making me look at him wide-eyed as he fell to the ground. The skunk walked away, squeaking shrilly.


"Okay, Xandy, let's get this in all those hard-to-sauce places," Hazel said.

"You're on your own," Griff said as we walked away with an arm around me.

"I just can't believe Big Stinky got me again," Xander sighed.

"Wait. Big Stinky is back? We gotta get rid of that thing," Hazel stated.

"Why don't you ask it out on a date?" Griff questioned, making me snort.

"Very funny. Plus, I already have a boyfriend, right Xandy?" Hazel said sarcastically.

"Nope," Xander said bluntly.

"I actually thought Big Stinky was kinda cute," Jorge reasoned.

"You wouldn't think he was cute if you had been there a few years ago. We got massacred," Hazel said darkly.

"It was June. A night like every other. Or so we thought. There was a campfire. S'mores. Laughter. Little did we know, Big Stinky was out there. Watching. Waiting. Hunting. Poor, sweet Lou. She was the first to fall. She got hit in the mouth with a toxic keister cocktail. They say a skunk has cold, dead eyes. That's a lie. There was joy in Big Stinky's eyes. He knew what he was doing. And he was proud of it. By the time that skunk ran back into the woods, we lost two counselors," Xander said, my breath growing heavy with each minute.

"Big Stinky killed them?" Jorge questioned as Griff wrapped an arm around me.

"No, they quit." Hazel shrugged carelessly. "But a part of each of us did die that night."

"Okay, enough! (Y/n)'s already gotten more than enough anxiety attacks today, she doesn't need another," Griff stopped them.

"Griff." I glared at him, my breath calming slightly.

"You've already had one, I don't want you to have another," Griff said calmly. "Look, we gotta get rid of that skunk. I say we trap him and take him all the way to Canada!"

"What did Canada do to us?" I questioned.

"They're too polite, they're up to something," Hazel pointed out.

"Or they're trying not to start World War 3," I replied.


"Huh. Big Stinky took the bait, but he's not here," Griff said, confused.

"He's close. I can smell him," Xander said ominously.

Jorge and I got up to check around, making sure he wasn't near the campers. I heard a scream, making me jump and look at Griff. He was sprayed.

"Skunk! Everybody, get off of the lawn! Get off of the lawn!" Xander insisted.


"Man, sprayed, man sprayed," Xander said as Xander and I carried him in.

Quick, Xander, take off your shirt!" Hazel said hurriedly.

"I got sprayed, not Xander," Griff corrected her.

"I know." Hazel smiled.

"Okay, new plan. We're gonna catch that skunk and have his stink glands removed," Xander explained.

"No, you can't do that! It's mean!" Jorge protested.

"Hey, I wasn't the one who sprayed butt water all over the camp!" Xander argued.

"Gosh, I hope not. That's kind of a deal-breaker for me, Xander," Hazel said.


"You really didn't need to tell the others that I have anxiety attacks," I said, sitting down on my bed.

"I was upset. I didn't want the others freaking you out anymore. I don't like it when you have them, especially because they make me worried something's going to happen," Griff explained.

"Why are you worried? The worst I could do is faint," I said.

"Because I care about you. So much. We've known each other since we were ten, and now we're together at the best camp I've ever been to and spending a lot of time together. I don't want anything happening to you," Griff said, taking my hands in his.

I smiled, pulling him into a hug. He hugged me back warmly. We looked at each other for a moment. How did his eyes look so chocolatey?

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