Adrienne looked over at Derek who was already looking at her. His eyes held worry but there was also a stillness in them. It was like his plan for revenge was all washed away because it was being done for him. He knew that whoever crossed paths with Andre would be dealt with but unfortunately for them, he didn't care.

Why would he? Good things come to people that do Good and Good things come to those that wait. Well Derek waited...

Karma's a bitch.

Diane's phone rang and she immediately answered seeing it was Jason. " Baby please tell me you're alright?"

"I'm fine, baby. I promise. Put Derek on the phone for me." Confused, Diane did what he asked.

A simple word from Jason made Derek straighten up and walk out of the room for more privacy. Once he was out of earshot Jason started talking again.

" What did you say to him?"He asked.

" what?"

" What did you tell Andre?" Jason asked again.

" Not much of anything." Derek answered.

" This is not the time for games, son. Why did you go to visit Andre? You have to have said something. Literally, a couple days after you visited, he broke out of prison and has already killed somebody. If you said something to tick him off then I need to know" Jason explained.

Andre's words began to ring in his ear. " You were never here"

Why did I admit I went to see him? Derek thought.

" You said Andre called you and told you why I was there. So you must know what I've said."

Jason sighed. Truth was, Andre never called him. He just so happened to see a prison visitor tag on Derek's windshield. It just so happened that He and Diane were talking about how worried they were about Derek. Derek's angry persona never went unnoticed and visiting Andre just made sense, he was the cause of a lot of Adrienne's pain. Talking about it came with ease with his line of work. Diane did call him out for using his skills to get Derek to talk. She felt like he was intruding and could damage Derek's trust, but she did admit she would have probably would have done the same thing if she was in Jason's shoes.

" Do you have an idea of who hurt Adrienne?" Jason finally asked, hoping he said no. If he said yes, he would have to assume Derek aided Andre in whatever he was planning.

"No sir I don't. If I did, I would tell you, you know that." Derek said truthfully. Besides the obvious suspicion of Josh, Derek had no idea who the others were.

Sure from the outside looking in, this was Derek's plan all along. He would never confirm or deny that his plans were to let somebody's already dirty hands get even more dirty in the name of revenge. Nah, Derek made up his mind to choose life over death. It took visiting Andre to realize that his anger was slowly killing him. If Andre ever looked in the mirror he would be staring into Death's eyes. So Derek is taking this opportunity to allow justice to play out on its own.

Soon enough Jason stopped asking questions and hung up the phone. Derek made sure to give Diane back her phone before he decided to head upstairs to Adrienne's room, with permission of course. Adrienne seemingly followed behind him.

"If it's not one thing, it's another." Adrienne mumbled. "Are we in trouble?"

" Hell nah, we not. Our name is nowhere near this." Derek plopped down on the bed, already exhausted by the day's events. " I'm not worried about what's going on with them and you shouldn't either. They're getting exactly they fucking deserve."

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now