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Sweat beads formed on Gwi-nam's head. His hair all wet by now. His body burning up to such an extent that it felt like he was going to burn the bed. He whimpered at the thunder. Curling more into the bed he was sleeping on. Having only one thing in mind. "Cheong San addressing him as a monster". Cheong San couldn't fall asleep. He was feeling restless. He sort of felt bad by speaking to Gwi-nam harshly. Sitting back on the bed he glanced at the clock besides him. 3 am. Suhyeok stood infront of Gwi-nam's house. He gave a thousand thoughts over Namra's words. He was not like Gwi-nam a monster. He was a good being who made decisions based on how the person acts. Knocking over hardly to scare Gwi-nam he waited few after to see a disheveled Gwi-nam drenched in sweat. Internally smacking his palm on his forehead he pushed Gwi-nam with his shoulder entering the house.


I was scared. Suhyeok stood at my doorstep and before I knew it he was inside.
"Is he going to beat me.? I don't have anymore strength to keep up if he beats me."
The sleep was long ago forgotten. He walked to the kitchen to see the untouched materials that he had put up on the kitchen counter. He didn't say a word. He placed down all the items he got in the counters and some into the refrigerator. He pulled out two ramyeon bowls and cooked them. "what is he doing?"

GWI-NAM: what are you doing here ?
SUHYEOK: I knew you wouldn't have the strength to do all this so be greatful I'm helping you.

I silently cursed under my breath.

He cooked for two. He forced me to have the food he cooked. He even threatened me if I did not have the painkillers he would stop Cheong San from coming here. I knew he was using my weakness against me. We ate silently.

SUHYEOK : why are you so desparate to see Cheong San?
GWI-NAM: I lost too much is it bad if I say that?
SUHYEOK : you know right, that you treated him like you were a monster?
GWI-NAM : right. I am a monster. A monster who deserves nothing but death. Suhyeok you would probably want me to go and die somewhere, but trust me I tried that. I tried ending all of this, but I never expected someone to take my death away as well. I never expected to grow so weak. I am a monster, but monsters too have feelings and emotions right ? Is the world so cruel ? I'll try to hold on real tight but I lose strength I won't be able to hold on to more. If I really lose all of it I'm willing to lose myself then.


The next day: Hyosan high school

Gwi-nam meant what he said. He just looked nothing but a hopeless person. Gwi-nam really wanted to bury himself for telling Suhyeok about he said last night. He felt it funny of how he told Suhyeok who always called out on him. But he barely cared of Suhyeok used it as an advantage. The girls in the corridor where Gwi-nam walked were all whispering. Gwi-nam reached the lockers confused. Not long he was pulled by the hair into the classroom. 2 boys standing infront of him. One had a baseball bat and the other had a wooden log stick.

"Was this going to end like this on a cloudy day? Will I be finally able to meet gyeong-so? Before I go I just want to see Cheong San and tell him I was sorry for all the things I did to him and tell him that it was too late that I started loving him"

Gwi-nam didnt resist. He knew today there was no one who would be saving him. A small smile appeared on his face, eyes lining up tears, shocking the two boys who held the weapons.

GWI-NAM : don't leave me halfway. If you are going to beat me just give me few minutes. I just need to do something before that.

Myeong-Hwan looked at him in pity.

MYEONG-HWAN: fine ten minutes that should be enough to do whatever shit you want to do. Get going and come to the construction site on the same floor you stripped Eunji.

Gwi-nam smiled. As he walked to his class, hearing the whispering. Reaching the class he's eyes searched for Cheong San who sat with Suhyeok and was having a chat. He called out to him. Hoping that he would come.

GWI-NAM: Cheong San just 5 minutes. I won't take long can you come to the rooftop with me ? I promise I won't hurt you.

He begged. Cheong San looked at Suhyeok who whispered into his ear.

SUHYEOK: go I'll catch up in some minutes.

Cheong San nodded following him to the rooftop.

At the rooftop.

Gwi-nam shut the door behind Cheong San. Wiping his tears he began with a shaky voice.

GWI-NAM : I want to apologise. I don't have much time but I want to say sorry to you. For not embracing you instead taking out all the vengeance and wrath I had in me on you. Hyung is sorry. I wish I could be as strong as you to endure it but I am sorry I don't have that much strength to bear this. You made my day. Yesterday when you.came back home I wished you would stay a bit longer but a monster doesn't deserve all of this. I understand that you hate till this very minute and I also realised that I loved you a little too late. Again I'm sorry for that. Henceforth I won't be coming for you. About the project please tell namra that I won't be continuing it.

The End

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