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I prepared some dishes as I was in a happy mood. I wanted to tell my mother about Gwi-nam but I was not sure of how long it would last. Some kimchi fried rice and egg rolls would do. I packed them nicely as I set them into my bag pack, walking to school.


The first thing I did when I came to school was hunt down for Mrs park. Once I found her I asked her if I could speak to her real quick.

SUHYEOK: saem, is it possible that we could keep this a secret?

I explained to her about what was happening and she seemed to be convinced about that. She told me she would speak to the principal and let me know. I was so greatful for having such a wonderful teacher.

Woojin looked at me. I completely forgot about him. He was one from the other planet.

SUHYEOK: I know I ditched you. Sorry, something urgent came up.
WOOJIN : You sure you ain't hiding anything from me right ?
SUHYEOK: oh c'mon how can I ? Oh by the way! I have a job for you. I'll treat you every week with a meal. So you up for the job?
WOOJIN: should have already spilt it you know when it comes to free food I never say no even if it's killing someone.
SUHYEOK: sure you'd kill. Okay I need you to deliver something to someone's place by the weekend. Make sure that person doesn't find out.
WOOJIN: job done. Don't worry just hand me the stuff and I'll do it.


I shuffled into Cheong San's bed. His scent was all around the pillow. I woke up feeling pale. I checked myself into the mirror and I was right about that. My face looked like I was a victim to a vampire.

"That's a long day to go."

I got ready for school and passed the kitchen. A flashback to where Cheong San was always standing.

"He will comeback, he likes me"

The school gates were already shut which meant I'll be receiving some sort of punishment but who'd care? I am eagerly waiting to go inside just to hope that Cheong San is sitting in the class. But my hopes completely fell low when I saw his seat empty. Dejected I sat next to his seat.

"If I hate him so much why am I missing him? Shouldn't I be happy ? Shouldn't I feel better after tormenting him? Why do I suddenly feel heavy?"

I quickly snapped to reality when I saw Jangmi waving her hand infront of me.

GWI-NAM: oh Jangmi -ah !
JANGMI: you don't look good, is everything alright?
GWI-NAM: oh yes I'm fine it's just that it's cold outside.
JANGMI: ah ! Here I made them myself for you.
GWI-NAM: oh I'll definitely have this.


I was sitting on the hospital bed, waiting for Suhyeok to come.
"Will hyung be actually fine without me ? Of course he should by now he must have Jangmi by his side. I can see the love for Jangmi in his eyes. I feel so jealous but do I have the right to show it ? If Gyeong-so was here he would have teased me till I turned pink. Hyung would have protected me from Taewoo if he would know only if Gyeong-so was alive. "
The nurse came to me with a tray of medical supplies and some medication. She placed it on the table helping me to sit upright.

NURSE: how are you feeling ? Does your head pain?
CHEONG SAN: a little bit but I'm feeling good.
NURSE : okay I'll just check your blood pressure and then you need to have this medicine.
CHEONG SAN: okay thank you.

She smiled at me. Staying at Suhyeok's penthouse was a fine decision, all I needed was some of my home supplies, the scrapbook and my school supplies. I want to speak to Suhyeok about that. The only problem was how was I supposed to get these from my house!


Gwi-nam looks like he is hiding something from me. Today after school he insisted me to visit his house.
"Is that a good sign or a bad sign?."
Kwon Shin Yeol did the same thing to me before abandoning me. He called me at his place in the name of love and dates and once we slept together the next day it was over.

The school ended and Gwi-nam held my hand as we walked. I entered his house which had nothing but old antiques. The house pretty ancestral. It has two bedrooms and a storeroom which I assumed was used to keep the food supplies. He asked me to make myself comfortable. Noticing around I saw some frames on the table below the tv. 3 small boys, two couples in the same picture and then I saw a picture of Gwi-nam and an other boy. He had feminine skin. Pretty features to be a boy. And one of the boy's face Was coloured with a black marker.

GWI-NAM : do you want to explore my room?
JANGMI: can I ?
GWI-NAM: of course.
JANGMI : oh but who is this lovely boy next to you ? Is he your cousin? And why is this face marked in black?
GWI-NAM: that lovely boy over there is my younger brother. That's all you need to know.

The End

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