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Suhyeok was packing his things in a hurry.

SUHYEOK : class prez remember we need to go.

Woojin looked at him before ranting about what was he missing. Suhyeok was lucky enough because Daesu kept him back because of Hari.

Gwi-nam paced out, thinking that Cheong San will come back. He was so confident that for a moment he completely forgot about the pain and heaviness in his heart towards Cheong San.

Cheong San was ready to give his new life a try, it would be worth maybe if he would he did it.


The only confusion in my mind right now is "why isn't Cheong San's gaurdian coming to pick him up. Didn't the hospital inform his gaurdian about him? What did Suhyeok mean by all of that? " The only thing that comes to my mind are the doctor's words of his exposure to self abuse or someone harming him. "Was he ill treated at home? Aside from that employee was it his gaurdian that was abusing him? How can someone do that to Cheong San?. Maybe if I wait a little more I may get my answers." But for now I needed to go to the convience store on the way to the hospital. Cheong San needed to eat something and I am confidently sure the hospital food isn't of his type.


Me and prez were on our way to the hospital. She does look cold all the time but trust me, she is definitely my type. I saw her pay for some supplies and then we walked back to the hospital.

Cheong San was folding the sheets neatly as he placed them on the bed.

SUHYEOK : ready to go?
NAMRA: just need to have these before you leave.

She heated the noodle bowl. I moved out to call the doctor.

2 days later..........


Something doesn't feel right. It's been the second day and Cheong San is no where to be found. I'm definitely going to file a report. My guts do tell me that Cheong San is kidnapped. I felt Jangmi massage my shoulders. She has been coming to my place ever since I got her home, but she never took me to her place. It felt weird but I Was okay with it.
"Maybe because she had parents and they did not want someone coming home?" But then I remembered the workplace. I was supposed to go to his workplace. I planned it today.

GWI-NAM: Jangmi-ah want to go to the cafe ?
JANGMI: sure!

I'm sure I'll get some information from there before reporting to the cops.


2 days and I was trying to forget about everything. I had a lady check on me from time to time. She made sure to clean my room, help me organise, take my medicines on time and she cooked so many delicious foods. About the scrapbook and the frame I already asked Suhyeok to do me that favour and he agreed. My notes were already sent to me by prez, she marked everything important. The assignments were also sent to me. Maybe if I sit here studying I can be successful in my life.


I'm standing right outside Gwi-nam's house. Firstly "why should it be Gwi-nam out of all people? Suhyeok your so dead if Gwi-nam catches me." I pulled the envelope and dumped it into his mail box. Now comes the task of sneaking into his house. "god why me?" 4 pm and I assumed the house to be silent. "Is he sleeping?" I peeked through the back window and somehow got a glimpse. Step 1 clear. No one is at home. I sneakingly opened the lock with a pin of the back door. "To the left the room in the corner." I repeated Suhyeok's words as I walked to the room. "Third shelf behind the "please look after mom" and "I'll be right there" books." I slowly pulled the books and that's where I found the scrapbook. Now the frames. "second drawer of the study table." Picking up all these things I pulled them into my track bag that I used for gym in school. Now go back from where I came. I moved back from the backdoor and walked out of the area. Suhyeok owes me a meal now. I dialled Suhyeok's number.

WOOJIN: oh Suhyeok-ah I managed to get what you asked me to.
SUHYEOK: meet me at the penthouse near the lake.
WOOJIN: ah yes.

Penthouse near the lake. I made my way to the penthouse near the lake.

The End

mistake Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora