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Gwi-nam was really angry. Chang Hoon helped him stand by giving him his hand. Gwi-nam really wanted to beat the shit out of Suhyeok but he was low-key scared. Suhyeok's punches hurt like hell. 


I walked back to the class from the construction site. Halfway in the hallway I noticed Cheong San coming out of the medical room. Limping. My face automatically turned into a smirk. I put a hand around Chang and casually spoke.

GWI-NAM: wanna have some fun?
CHANG HOON : what fun?

I directed my gaze towards Cheong San. He understood. He smiled.

CHANG HOON : of course.

We walked towards Cheong San.


I saw hyung and Chang Hoon come towards me. I won't last long hyung's smirk says it all.

GWI-NAM: come with us.
CHEONG SAN: y-yes hyung.

Chang Hoon swinged an arm around my neck forcefully pulling me into his embrace almost crushing. And that's how I landed up with in the construction site.


Gwi-nam and Chang Hoon beat Cheong San to pulp, they weren't so nice enough to help Cheong San they just left. Cheong San laid on the concrete floor for some minutes. Suhyeok was loitering about waiting for his friend Wujin but he soon saw Gwi-nam and Chang Hoon come from the same direction he has seen Eunji. He knew that he saved Eunji but then it clicked him. Cheong San. His face paled out as Gwi-nam smirked at him and passed him. Suhyeok, without waiting for Wujin dashed to the same place. He climbed the stairs in a hurry to reach Cheong San. The same place laid Cheong San on the floor trying to get up.

SUHYEOK: yah Lee Cheong San!!!! Yah ! Wake up don't give up ! Aish. What did they do to you?!.

He gave light slaps to the smaller as he was not responding. His face was covered with blood including his leg and some other parts of his body.

Later that day...........


I waited patiently at home. No matter where Cheong San goes he returns home before 7 or else he knows what happens after that. A small rustle from the entrance made me smirk.
"There he comes." I saw him limping and groaning in pain but when he saw me he immediately knelt to the floor.

GWI-NAM: oh you're here I thought you'd live in the construction site since you were having a good time there.

Sweat. He was sweating and I was enjoying it.

GWI-NAM: find yourself a job since I'm quitting mine. I realised I'm too bored and tired to work so how about you find yourself a job and start running expenses? I'm sure you'd like that isn't it ? Cafe! How does that sound ?
CHEONG SAN:  y-yes hyung.
GWI-NAM: so how about you start from tomorrow? Since it's the end of the month and start of a new month?
CHEONG SAN: s-sure hyung.
GWI-NAM: that's like a good boy.

I lifted my leg towards his shoulder and tapped on it.

GWI-NAM: now make dinner I'm starving and make sure to do the laundry. You have to complete my homework too. So you better get moving.
CHEONG SAN : y-yes hyung


I tried to stay awake but I ended up waking into the medical room again, but this time with Lee Suhyeok.

SUHYEOK: yah you good?
CHEONG SAN: what's the time ?
SUHYEOK: 3 pm why?
CHEONG SAN: nothing I need to head home before seven.
SUHYEOK: if that's the thing then we have sufficient time to visit the hospital.
CHEONG SAN: no why! I'm not going to the hospital. Thank you for the help but you should get goi-
SUHYEOK: shut your mouth and you are coming to the hospital with me right now. I'll give you 5 minutes to pack your bag.

Minutes later............

The nurse was examining my wounds. She had a sour look on her face as Suhyeok explained to her what happened.

NURSE : Shouldn't you be filing a complaint for abuse ? I suggest you to do it.
CHEONG SAN: are we done?

I asked Suhyeok and he just looked at me with wide eyes.

NURSE: I'm just worried about him, but if he ain't giving in then I can't help. But he will have to visit the hospital tomorrow since I need to re clean and re bandage his wounds so they won't get infected.

The End

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