Chapter 23: Return of the Elder Wand

Start from the beginning

"You disgust me. Tyler, Albus, let's go back to the castle." he said, and he helped Tyler up. They walked back to the castle, and on their way Luke sat on a log, worried. He saw Tyler and gasped. He ran up to him and hugged him tightly, before kissing him. Albus felt slightly uncomfortable and just left to return to the Great Hall.

In the Great Hall Rose, Quinn, Scorpius and Felicia were bending over a letter. Albus joined them. "What are you doing?"

"They found the Elder Wand." said Scorpius, and Albus gasped. "They have it, and are counting on us. We have to go there." he added, and Albus nodded. Rose reached in her bag and took out some parchment and a quill when a loud 'thud' was heard from outside the Great Hall. Everyone got up to see what had happened.

Albus squeezed himself through the masses of people and saw Tyler lying on the floor, coughing up blood. People were whispering, and Albus ran towards him.

"What happened?" he asked, and Tyler looked at him.

"Someone punched me." he said, and Albus hugged him.

"Let's go to Madam Pomfrey." he said, and he - together with Luke - helped Tyler up and pushed away the people to bring his best friend to the Hospital Wing.


Madam Pomfrey hadn't asked a thing, but soon enough there were many people sitting in the Hospital Wing, and that was something she never liked. To be precise, there were eight people - besides Madam Pomfrey and Tyler - in the room: Albus, Luke, Quinn, Rose, Scorpius, Fred, Felicia, Harry and, to Albus' surprise, Oliver. It was very quiet while Madam Pomfrey attended to Tyler.

Then, Oliver broke the silence. "It wasn't me, I swear. I heard something and returned to the castle, then people said he was up here. I didn't punch him." he said. Harry rolled his eyes.

"But you were the one who smacked him because of his sexuality." He snapped, and Oliver opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again.

Then, Albus spoke. "Dad. I think he's speaking the truth. I'm not agreeing he should've smacked Tyler, because that is rude, insensitive, and so on, but he has a look of sincerity in his eyes."

Felicia nodded in agreement, but Harry didn't look convinced. "Before we discuss who punched Tyler, I want you to say you're okay with him being gay." he said.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "That's not of imp-"

"Yes it is." said Luke, speaking for the first time. "It is. I'm Tyler's boyfriend, and I love him. And you can't hurt him like that. If you hadn't smacked his face to bruises Tyler wouldn't have been knocked out so quickly." He said, still holding onto Tyler's hand.

Madam Pomfrey was the next to speak. "He'll be okay, but I want all of you out of my Hospital Wing, except you, and you." she said, pointing at Oliver and Luke. They nodded, and the rest left.

"Dad. Thanks for speaking up to Oliver like that." said Albus, as they closed the door to the Wing. Harry shrugged.

"I had to. I really thought he was above all this homophobic nonsense." he said, when Scorpius coughed.

"You guys, we have to do something about -" he said, but stopped when he saw Fred standing among them. He seemed to get what the problem was and left - after kissing Quinn as if it would be their last one. Scorpius continued talking. "So, we have to do something about the Elder Wand. I say we see if Luke and Tyler are in a state to leave and then we go." he said, but Harry shook his head.

He sighed. "Tyler has a lot to deal with right now, in fact, it might be better if you went without him and Luke, who is the owner of the wand right now, and since they have it it would be unwise to send Luke anyway. Besides, right now you can't split them." He said, and the group nodded.

Albus however looked at his dad. "Can I say what we're going to do to Tyler and Luke?" he nodded, and Albus entered the room again.

Madam Pomfrey wasn't there, as she had left to get some stuff from another place, and what Albus walked into surprised him.


HAHAHAHA I'm evil with another cliffhanger! I'm sorry if I hurt you guys with them! So, I'm nearly at 1K readers and I want to say thank you to some people right here. I want to say thank you to all my precious readers, who keep reading and everything, but especially to these:

@PercabethCaleo4ever @HelpTheWorld @Slytherinstudent5 @allfandomfics_ (for her amazing fan fiction) @Frozenpaw and a whole lot more. Sorry if I didn't mention you, but I want to thank you as well! Let's just say thanks to all of you!

Comment what you think!


Florence (Who has enjoyed two mini-magnums and about to take a third #notgettingfatwhileeatingalotisamazingyoushouldtryit)

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