Chapter 40

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Third Person

"I can't get over how amazing you look" Jj said to his wife. They along with their daughter were still in the garden having a private moment to themselves and getting lots of photographs took. The photographer would call certain people out like the bridesmaids for a photo with them then the groomsmen, families and well you get the point.

Eventually Lily and Jj made their way into the hall.
"For the first time, please put your hands together for Mr and Mrs Olatunji!!!" The DJ shouted through the mircophone as the newlyweds entered the hall.

Jj and Lily walked over hand in hand to the large table were the bridesmaids and groomsmen, their familes and of course they were going to be sat for the food and speeches etc.

The couple sat directly in the middle of the table with Talia by Lily's side and Simon by Jj's side. It had taken Lily and Talia days to plan the seating arrangements and it was fucking hard. They had tried their best to mix everyone up enough without it being awkward.
Table five was arguably the best table in the room, all of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen were sat at that table.

"If I could get your attention please" Alan stood up and hit his glass with a fork, the room silenced and everyone look towards him.
"I'd like to begin by saying welcome! To the family and friends, and friends that I've yet to meet. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Alan, and I am the very proud father of this beautiful bride, Lily. As the Father-of-the-Bride, I have the pleasure of making the first speech. I am therefore the warm-up act for the star speakers - the groom, Jj and best man, Simon. I should probably make you aware from the very start that I lack any real practical experience as a speaker. Having spent over 20 of my life living in a house with my wife, two sons and 3 daughters, there's been few opportunities when I've been allowed to speak and even less when anyone listened!

So traditionally, I'm here to give you all the embarrassing moments from Lily's early days.

Thinking back to the day she was born, I can still picture it now as if it were yesterday, her mother in the delivery room labouring away with two midwives encouraging me to stand up and not to faint again!
Shauna and I are aware of just how blessed we've been to have you in our lives Lils and we know that you are aware of just how much we love you and how proud we are of the lovely young lady you have become. It has been an absolute joy to watch a very talkative, extremely inquisitive, little girl blossom into the very beautiful, clever, compassionate and extremely loving young lady and it was my privilege to escort down the aisle today. I was also going to say that Lily is quite low maintenance which is another great attribute, she is easily pleased and doesn't bother about the most expensive things in life but... that was obviously before the wedding planning had started so now I'm probably going to have to rethink that one.

Lily was the... sorry sweetie what does that say? Ah ok!, Lily was the perfect child, always ready for school in the morning, helping about with housework and shining in her dancing classes and singing lessons.

I'll never forget the day a few months ago when I got a message from Jj saying he needed to speak to me.
I honestly thought he would be asking me on how to calm Lily down because she was shouting at him again for not loading the dishwasher but instead I was completely stunned when he asked for my permission to marry her. Jj is an excellent young man and I was more than happy to grant him the permission to marry my daughter. I honestly couldn't think of a better person for you Lils, I'm proud to be your father and I'm proud of you and have been everyday since the day you were born.
Thank you for listening!"

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