When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

Kate and Will laugh. I assume she put her phone on speaker. "Sofie, don't worry about cost. My brother cares about you and wants you to stay, so there will be no cost. Kate and I decided that the only other option was for you to move in to the Clarence house with Harry. But we feel it is much to soon for living together, this was the best next option. When do you need to move?" Will answers this time. Theyre giving me an apartment for free? Holy shit. I really didnt expect that. I can tell, Kate, WIll and I will be great friends. They seem like fun people to be around. I'm pretty excited for the day we all actually get to go out for fun together.

"Thank you so much. I dont know how to repay you. This means a lot to me. But if it's okay with you, tomorrow i should move in. I have to leave my hotel the day after next, which is friday. My friend Stevie will be going home then." I laugh nervously. Kate and Will laugh into the phone.

"Sounds great, Sofie. We'll speak tomorrow about more. Sleep well." Kate said, then they both say 'sleep well' at the same time before hanging up. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. But at the same time, I'm scared. I've never lived on my own before. I still live with my mom back in America. It doesnt work that i'm terrified of the dark, either. Maybe if i buy lamps and homey fruniture, I'll feel safe. Tomorrow maybe I can drag Stevie to go shopping with me again, if she isnt to busy sight seeing. Or maybe Kate? She seems like the type who would like that.

"Well, i guess I should call my mom. Wish me luck." I whisper to a now half asleep, Stevie. I shake my head as she mumbles something before rolling over, falling into a deeper sleep. I dial my mothers number and hold my breath as the phone rings. It's only seven pm in Massachusetts right now, so she should answer.

"Sofie, honey! How are you? I miss you so much!" My mother gushes excitedly as she picks up the phone, a noisy background muffling her voice some.

I take a deep breath before answering. "Hi, Mom. I miss you too. I'm amazing though. Missing you and Jason though. How is he?" I asked my mother, trying to sound sad but it comes out as nervous ramble. Jason is my older brother, we've been close ever since my dad died when i was ten and he was fourteen.

"He misses you. He is so excited for you to come home Friday. He wants you to meet his new girlfriend, she's lovely Sofie. You'll like her." My mother says, more than likely smiling as she speaks. My heart drops.

"Mom, there's something i need to talk to you about..." I trail off. I've never been so scared to talk to my mom about a boy before.

My mom sighs and I picture her shaking her head at me. "Honey, i know about you and Andrew. He came by looking for you. He told me the whole story. Did you really have someone pretend to be Prince Harry to dump him for you, though? It seems so unlikely and unlike you." She lets out a shaky laugh.

I sigh and scowl into the small light of my hotel room. Of course Andrew would look for me, but i hope my mom set him straight. "I didnt have someone pretend. It was actually Prince Harry who called and dumped him for me. It was unlike me, i wouldnt have asked him. He did it himself. I didnt know why he wanted to see my phone. But you know what, I'm glad he dumped Andrew for me." I tell my mother, honestly. She probably thinks I'm on some kind of British drug right about now.

"Honey, are you okay? You sound crazy right now." She said, worriedly. What did i tell you?

"Mother, I am fine. I'm telling the truth. This is the reason i called you! I met someone." I tell her, getting annoyed with her. My mother gasps and i roll my eyes.

"Who?! Tell me all about him! Is he American? Is he coming back with you Friday?" She gushes.

I groan. Can she not listen to me at all? "MOM!" I yell. "What?" She asked, stopping her gushing.

"Listen to what i tell you. I met someone, at Buckingham Palace. Prince Harry of Wales, mom. We've been on a couple of dates. I've met him brother and his brothers wife, Kate. I even went to a Royal event and talked to press with him. He asked me to be his girlfriend, i said yes. He wont be coming home with me mom, I'll be staying here with him." I growl at her. I've had enough of this, and i just want to go to bed. Mom is quiet for awhile before i finally here her sigh, loudly.

"Your being serious, arent you Sofie?" She asked, in a whisper.

"Yes, mom. You cant change my mind. I'll miss you, but I'm falling for him already, Ma. He makes me so happy." I smile at the thought of being with Harry. I bet my dad would have liked him...

"Honey, i do wish you would come home. But i can hear it in your voice, your already starting to love him. Do what makes you happy, and I'll be happy. I'll really miss you, Sofie. Where will you be staying?" She asked. Her voice makes me want to break down into tears, but i dont.

"I think your right. I'll miss you too, mom. And Jason. I'll have to call him tomorrow and tell him, it's after midnight here. But Will, Harry's brother, is giving me his old apartment for free. They're going to help me move in tomorrow. But mom, can we talk more tomorrow maybe? I'm really tired and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow." Really, i dont want to hang up the phone. I want to stay on here forever and talk to my mom. But if I'm moving into Will's apartment tomorrow, I need sleep.

"Alright, dear. I'll speak with you tomorrow, hopefully. Sleep tight. I love you." This time, i let the tears fall.

"Goodnight, mommy. I love you too." I mumble before hangin gup. I havent called my mom, mommy in a long time. I plug my phone into its charger, then snuggle under my covers to sleep. My eyes fall shut and i start to think about Harry. How lucky am i to be dating a Prince, living in Britian in the future kings old apartment? I know my dad would be proud of me, for the first time in a long time. My life in America sort of got off of track when my dad left. I started going crazy, i partied a lot in high school and college. But still managed good grades. I'd date boys just to feel wanted. But i changed within my few months out of college, I've seen there is more to life than partying and boys. My mom was starting to tell me she loved me again and she was proud of me. But meeting Prince Harry and falling for him, made me see the light full on. My life is now to make myself happy. Which Harry is what makes me happy. I feel myself drift into sleep just as my phone vibrates on the night stand. I groan and grab it, not opening my eyes, while opening the message. Yes, i can open my messages without looking, almost every girl can. Slowly i open my eyes, only to groan at the bright light of my cell phone screen.

"Just woke up from a dream that you have three breasts. Please tell me its true! -Harry."

I cover my mouth so i dont laugh and wake Stevie up, then text back.

"Did you really just wake me up because of your preverted mind? And no, its not true. -Sofie(:"

He texts back within a minute.

"Damnit. That would have been bloody amazing. I guess I'll deal with two though. - Harry."

"I'm sorry. I'll just put 'get a third boob' on the top of my To Do list for tomorrow. -Sofie(:"

"Thank You! Your amazng, Sofie. <3 Now let me get back to that dream, see you soon. -Harry."

"Yeah yeah, i know i am. ;) Night, Harry.<3 -Sofie(:"

With that small text conversation with Harry, I go to sleep with a huge smile on my face.


I know this isnt that great, maybe you think it is, idk. But its more a filler chapter for future events. Do me and favor and tell me what you think of the story so far? Vote?! :D Thanks!!

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