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Epilogue [1 year later]

I am in New York and life is better. I got into my dream college and I feel blessed for that. Things are better. I still miss, Paige. I still feel sad at times but I also feel this invisible presence with me at all times. Like she is walking with me. Living my dream with me. Holding my hand when I need it. Cal stayed in town as he wanted to and even started writing. He published a small article in a magazine and I have to say, he is good. He is also taking it one day at a time. But he will get there.

"This is for you." Daniel gives me a small rose making me grin.

"Thank you so much dear, boyfriend." I smile. He is my sounding board. He stood by me through it all. My breakdowns, my chaos, my confusion, everything. We are in the same college and it is a blessing for me.

My phone goes off and I see that my parents are facetiming me. They have been so supportive. They were emotionally disrupted as well but we looked out for each other. Stood by each other. And we are stronger.

"Hey mom." I said as Daniel shoved his face into the camera as well making me laugh.

"Hey kids! How's it going?" Mom asks as dad focuses on not dropping his ice cream.

"Great! How are you all?" I ask.

"Sleepless. Caroline hasn't let us sleep at all." Oh! I almost forgot. Caroline Paige Harper. My sister and maybe reincarnation of Paige. We found out mom is pregnant two months later after Paige's passing. Caroline has been a real helper. She is a miracle and an extraordinary human who filled our lives with joy and blessings.

"Dad, you're dropping your ice cream." I warned.

"I know and I am trying. This is difficult as hell." God! Somethings never change and I am glad.

So much has changed and we all are always looking for change. But it feels good to know that somethings will remain as they are forever. We all aren't the people we were a year ago but that doesn't mean we aren't that person at all. That person comes out when we're with the right people. The innocence and madness comes out once in a while. And it reminds me of a life that I have left behind. I take a look at it once in a while.

There are days when something funny happens and my first thought is to tell this to Paige but I remember she is gone so I tell it to the sky. It may sound crazy but it works for me. I believe she is with me. Happier. I know she dances when I dance. She laughs when I laugh. I know that. And I will never forget her. If there is one thing that will never change then that is my love for her and our memories together.

No matter the distance between us, there will always be an invisible string keeping us together. Whether it rains or pours. She is with me. Till the end.


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