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I am at Bri's house and I will be staying at her house for 4 days. She insisted a lot and so did her parents. And I will get a break from my torturous house. It is a break well needed. We all are having dinner together and it is such a fulfilling thing. We all are laughing and cracking jokes. This feels like home. Like a happy place where you can set aside your troubling thoughts and enjoy the moment.

"And I was running like a crazy man on the road like this is the end..." We all were laughing at the funniest story that I have ever heard by Mr.Alex, Bri's dad. He knows how to keep people entertained.

"Baby, I am sure you were fine and look, you still look extremely well for a man who is about to turn 47. I am sure you can easily run miles even now." Johanna smiled.

"As long as you're standing at the finish line." I giggled at their exchange of words because they were so perfect together. I never saw my parents like this and that is why I crave it so much.

"Oh god!" Bri blushed due to embarrassment but I assure her that it is actually adorable.

"Trust me I am loving this." I laughed.

After dinner we all cleaned up the plates and had some ice cream. We even watched a movie but half the time we all were telling stories or cracking jokes but it could not have gone better. And when it was time to go to sleep, I was disappointed that only 3 more days are left and then I will be back at my house.

The next two days passed by really quickly as well. Bri saw me having my meds and told me that things will get better soon. It is just a small step towards it. Her parents as always were entertaining as hell. I do suspect they know a bit about what is going on in my family since Bri usually shares everything with her parents and that is one of the many things, I adore about her. I love the bond she shares with her family and how gracefully her parents deal with things. It is my last day here and I have to say, these were some of the best days I have ever spent.

Dinner was done and me and Bri were wide awake in our room. We were giggling and doing all sort of crazy stuff. Bri got a new phone so we prank called Cal and Daniel. Daniel thought he might need an exorcist after the scary prank we pulled but Cal on the other hand hung up our call in between and when we called him again, he recognized our voices. Though he claims he knew it from the beginning, we know he didn't.

"Paige, I love you so much." She almost climbed over me and yawned.

"I love you too, Bri." I spoke.

"I had so much fun with you. Mom and dad said you are basically their child now and my sibling." She giggled.

"Yes, you are my sister." I smiled.

"Yes, we are sisters." She hugged me tighter.

"Remember when we were in middle school and that boy with red hair...what was his name...Josh no Jack.." I am really bad at names.


"Yes, Joseph. He tried to put gum in our hair so you cut his tie in half and made him do our homework. That is something I'll never forget because I was so fearless during that time because I knew you were the badass friend who'll always come for my rescue."

"I'll always come for your rescue." She smiled.

We talked almost the whole night. Mostly reminiscing about the times when we were younger. In the morning, we decided to meet on Friday at a dance club which allows under 18 since it is non-alcoholic. And we are  cool but not cool enough to make fake IDs so that club is the only option we have.

"Okay, I'll meet you directly at the club then. After my shift at the bookstore." I tell her.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." She said.

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