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Weekend passed by slowly. None of us talked to each other. I didn't even look at my father for even a second. If I look at him, I know I will do something crazy. So, I mostly avoided his gaze. For school, I applied some make-up and by make-up I mean, I used some foundation and concealer to hide the bruise. If someone suspects a thing – apart from Cal because he seems to know something – I'll say I tripped down the stairs or maybe burned myself with an iron, I don't know, I'll decide when I reach school.

I didn't bother grabbing my lunch or telling mom that I am leaving for school. I don't want to. I am really disappointed in her. The fact that she didn't stand up for me, she didn't try to protect me from him or even said a word broke my heart in million pieces. His slap didn't hurt me as much as my mom's silence did.

When I reach to school, I saw Brianna talking to Daniel. I could see her face brightening up just from talking to him. I started to make my way towards her that a familiar voice called out my name. I turned around to see that it was Cal. I feel a sense of nervousness in my heart and clasp my hands together to keep them from shaking.

"Hey, Paige." He greeted and scanned my face for not even a second before his eyes connected with me.

"Hey, Cal." I tried to match his cheery tone.

"How did the weekend go?" Does he really want an answer to that? Because I don't have one.

"It was fine, I guess." I shrugged.

"Did you get enough sleep?" He questioned.

"I did," I say, "Not. But I tried."

He shakes his head and said, "Did you talk to Brianna about the job?"

"I was going to but I guess she is busy with Daniel for a bit." I laugh.

He looked over at them and grinned. "They really like each other, don't they?"

"They really do." I agreed.

"It would be funny if all four of us started dating." He chuckled.

"Yeah, we all met at the same party and then all four of us just started dating. That would be funny." I laugh.

"But it wouldn't be that bad." He looks over at me.

"I don't know. It's not like we both are interested in each other so there's no point imagining those scenarios." I am not stupid. I know what he is implying. But I cannot let someone have false hopes. If I let him in even the tiniest bit, I will just drag him down with me. So, no, us dating wouldn't be funny, it would be a recipe for disaster. A tragedy.

I start walking towards Brianna and I feel him walking closely behind me. I reach near Bri and she turns over to look me.

"Paige, my one and only, knight in the shining armor, my one true love and my forever plus one. I missed you." And with that she pulls me in a hug as I laugh loudly.

"Oh! I missed you too my wifey." I giggle.

"Wait! Did we miss something?" Daniel asks as he stares at both of us.

"What?" Bri frowns.

"Is there something going on or is this how you two normally behave?" Daniel asks with wide eyes.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like this?" Bri speaks up, "Being totally in love and looking at each other's sexy bodies. Then yes, that is how we normally behave."

"I got no problem." He raised his hands up in surrender.

Cal remains quite for the most part as we all make our way to our classes. I feel bad for whatever I did out there or maybe I am just overthinking. Maybe he was actually cracking just a joke. I shouldn't read too much into it.

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