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"What is something that you most enjoy doing? Ask this question to yourself and research on what opportunities you can find in that." Bri takes a sip of her coffee.

"I like sleeping." I reply.

"Okay, okay, look we're getting there. Now, think about one more thing that you like." She encourages.

"Boobs." I take a bite of nachos.

"Boobs are great, they are so great. Exquisite, I'd rather say." Bri nods. "Okay, but apart from boobs and sleeping." She nudges.

"Reading." I reply.

"Reading, yes. So, maybe you'll enjoy studying literature. You can even do journalism. Look. Research on it and then decide what you want to pursue in college. The college that I want to go to is really good and it is in New York, maybe we will go there together." She chirps while getting comfortable on her bed.

I nod and continue eating my nachos. I came to her house after school to find some peace. And it has been going pretty well. I told her about the things that have been going on in my house.

"What is going on with you? Anything I should know about?" I ask.

"The date." She smirks.

My eyes go wide and I say, "Yes, the date. Tell me about it. Everything. Don't miss a detail."

And then she proceeded to tell me everything. He came to pick her up in his car and then took her to a very nice, fancy looking restaurant. After that they went for a walk and he even took her to an amusement park and won a huge teddy bear for her. And she told me how they shared a kiss at the end of the night and he promised to take her out again on Saturday.

I listen to her attentively the whole time with a crazy smile on my face. We both squealed at certain parts of the story and laughed. The way she was telling me about the date was making my cheeks hurt from grinning.

"Aww, Bri. That's so awesome. I am so happy for you two." I smile.

"It was just magical." She said with dreamy eyes.

"What did your mom say about that?" I ask.

"She was going crazy. She has already planned out the wedding." She laughs.

"How is she doing by the way? I mean, about the..." I trailed off. Johanna has been going through a bit of pregnancy issues. She has had 3 miscarriages after Bri and it almost shattered her. According to her, conceiving Bri was a miracle enough.

"Oh, regarding the pregnancy? Well, she is in her 40s so it is impossible for her to get pregnant now but we might adopt. We thought about surrogacy but then thought that it would be better if we just adopt."

"Oh, yes, adoption is great. It will add a new member to our little friend group." I smile.

"I know. But..." She looks down at her hands.

"Hey, what's wrong? You can talk to me." I look at her with concern.

"I am scared. I mean, I would love to have a younger sibling but I will be off to college and I won't be able to spend much time with her." She frowns.

"Her?" I ask.

"Yes, we will adopt a baby girl."

"And you will be the best sister ever. Yes, you might be a bit far from her but I know that you will love her more than anything." I comfort her.

"But what if by the time I come back home she is already grown up and I end up missing out on all the important moments and she just grows up hating me."

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