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After school, Bri and I walked to her house while talking about random things that happened at school. Well, it was mainly her who was talking because I didn't pay much attention in class since I was too busy fighting off my anxiety. Anyway, she hasn't mentioned Daniel till now but I know she will talk only about him once we are inside her room. She opened the door to her house and said, "Mom, I am home. Look who's with me."

Her mom comes out from her room and her face instantly brightens up and I am sure mine did too.

"Paige, oh my god." She comes running towards me and wraps me in a warm hug. "Oh, how much I missed this."

I wrap my arms around her and took in this wonderful feeling. She has very motherly vibes. Although, I never experienced those vibes from my own mother but I know what they are like all because of Johanna.

"I missed you so much." She whispers against my ear.

"I missed you too." We break from our hug and I ask her, "How have you been?"

"It's been going great. I am as amazing as ever. Trying different hair colours but it has only been a destruction so far." She laughed and I joined in.

"I am sure you will find your hair colour but your natural blonde really suits you." I tell her.

"Oh, well, that's what you think. I am only in my 40s and it is hard to be 40 and married because I certainly need to look...uh...how should I phrase it appropriately...presentable, yes presentable for Alex." I laughed loudly at her. She always manages to make me laugh.

"Mom, first of all, control yourself around us kids and second of all, it's always dad who washes your hair after your sweet, sweet destruction." Alex, Bri's dad, is such a gentleman. And anyone can tell he is heads over heels for Johanna. I have always adored their relationship and I have adored Bri's relationship with her parents. I always wanted a family like hers but I don't have one like that, so I just admire. But they always make me feel loved and I am really grateful to them for that.

"How was school?" Johanna asked and Bri replied with, "Boring as always."

Johanna scrunched up her nose and said, "Well, I made some snacks so I will be bringing them to your room soon. I know you both must be dying to lock yourselves inside that room and gossip so I will be in the kitchen. Have fun."

Bri and I giggle at that and went to her room. Her room reminds me of every possible teenage sitcom female protagonist's room. A guitar on the wall. A mini library. A window where you can sit down for a few minutes and look outside dramatically. Posters on the wall. Lots and lots of pillows on the bed. But it feels good. Really good. We both make ourselves comfortable on her bed and I wait for her to talk about Daniel.

"So? What did you want to talk about?" I prompt.

"Yeah, about that...." she paused. Her silence only makes me more inquisitive.

"What is it?" I nudged her shoulder.

"Well, you see um....." God! Can she just tell me already.

"Is it Daniel?" I blurt out.

She looks at me silently and then nods her head slowly.

"Oh my god, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. So, did he say anything? Did he ask you out on a date? Tell me something." At this point, even I am losing my mind.

"Let me speak dummy." She laughs.

"Okay, okay." I shut my mouth.

"Well, it's not like he said anything but sometimes, you can just feel it. I mean, I don't know how to describe it. He is always complimenting me and sitting with me in the class and all that stuff." She is blushing. Hard. I am so excited to see where this goes.

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