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Thursday passed by in a blur. I didn't do much except for reading the book that Cal gifted me and I have to say that I am in love with that book. He has an amazing taste when it comes to books. On Friday, which is today, I feel a bit better than usual. I wouldn't say that I am a party girl but going to one doesn't feel that bad. Being in the same car as Daniel, Cal and Bri feels pretty amazing. Like life can be a bit good after all. Bri and I are sitting together in the backseat and Daniel is driving while Cal is giving him instructions to where the party house is. Bri came over to my house to get me ready and do my make up to "make people hard in their pants" her words not mine. But I guess my dress is quite decent. Nothing jaw droppingly spectacular but it makes me look fresh and vibrant but Bri said that I like to undermine things so I am going to take her word over mine.

We start to hear the sound of music from a few blocks away and I already know I will end up deaf by the night. And I believe that I have already started the process of going deaf since I always have earphones plugged in my ears with music blazing. Daniel parks the car and we all get out of the car.

"Wow! I will go deaf by the end of the night." Cal speaks over the music.

"It is already hurting my ears." Bri furrows her eyebrows.

"Shut up you, guys. Have you all never been to a party before or what?" Daniel shouts over the deafening music. "Even Paige isn't complaining."

Well, that is because I am already dead inside, going deaf wouldn't harm anymore.

We start to make our way inside the house and at this point I don't think I need to elaborate what I see. People dancing, drinking, playing games, making out and overall, just having fun. Cal comes to stand by my side and puts and arm around my waist to help me move through the crowd. Bri gives me a knowing look and I just glare at her like she isn't the one who is holding hands with Daniel right now. We make our way to the kitchen and Daniel, Cal and Bri serve themselves a glass of wine.

"Do you want one?" Cal asks as he pour himself a glass of wine.

"No, I am alright." I look around in hopes of finding some juice for myself but it seems like they are on wine fast.

"Bri and I are going to the backyard for a few minutes, you guys enjoy yourselves." Daniel holds her hand and lead her outside the kitchen as Bri gives me a confused look over her shoulder.

"I think we should go and sit down somewhere." Cal suggests and I nod. "I'll be there in a second, you can go and find a seat for us."

I give him a nod and move to the living room to find it filled with people. I see two empty chairs at the side of the room and make my way to them. Couches are filled with people playing games and at the corner of the room there are two people making out like it's nobody's business. And to be fair, it is nobody's business.

I spot Cal making his way out of the kitchen and wave at him to help him spot me in this crowd. He walks over to me and hands me a can of orange juice.

"Where did you find this?" I ask surprised.

"It was in one of the cabinets." He shrugs.

"Thank you." I smile and he gives me a dimpled smile. "I read the book. I am like 100 pages in and I am in love with it."

"Really? I can finally breath with relief." We both laugh at that.

"I think they will sacrifice themselves. He really believes in their love." I start remembering the lines of the book.

"You think so?" He raises his eyebrows while taking a sip from his glass.

"Yes, he literally gave up his whole life for her. And she sacrificed all her magical powers for him. They will go through the sacrifice. They have to otherwise all that they went through will be worthless."

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