Ch.32: night before our day

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June 2,2027: wednesday

I woke up and today we are having a girls day out. I am so nervous, because tomorrow I am getting married. I am dying my hair again. But I want to, and I am bringing with me today, liana, lauren, Ashley, Tiana, Juliet, scarlet, and Olivia. I met her a year ago. Super sweet-

I put my hair up for now, grabbed my sunglasses on and went to my car and to the mall.

At the mall

I saw, everyone and said, " hi." They said, " hi." So I said, " i am so nervous about tomorrow." They looked at me and said, " don't be nervous. We have a girl day, and for now no talking about tomorrow. Unless someone asks. Which I doubt." I nodded and we went to the hair place, and I had to take my mind off of tomorrow for now.

Next day

I woke up and today is the day I am getting married. Eee, So I am so excited yet nervous af. I don't know what to do. Well I do but I just I can't believe I am getting married. I heard a knock on the door, I went to answer it and I opened it to see, my friends, and my dad and grandma. I gave everyone a hug and said, " hi." They said, " hey." So I said, " I am gonna make a waffle anyone want one?" They said, " already ate."

I went to the kitchen and I heard my dad, " hey Haley." I said, " hi dad." He gave me a hug and said, " I love you." I said, " I love you to dad. You alright?" He said, " no I am not ready to give you up." I said, " dad I am always going to be there for you. Alright?" He nodded and I think he is going to cry. I said, " would you like to see the house?" He said, " sure." I gave everyone a tour, and saw a note from Dustin, " I love you my angel, I had to leave early, since I can't see you yet. I love you."

I smiled and said, " okay so the kitchens over here." I showed them and the front room and my room, and Dustin's, and then I said, " now for the basement which is my favorite room." They looked at me weird, " it will make sense once you see it." I opened the door, and turned the black light on. And we went into a neon world.

Two hours later

So we talked and soon I had to get ready, my dad and grandma left. And I went upstairs got my makeup done, and hair curled. I got these earrings, there red little jems. And I said, " I am so nervous." They said, " don't be nervous." So the venue is going to be a black carpet down the aisle, white petals, and for bridesmaids dresses their black dresses. I am so happy though. This was my dress and entire look.

I went outside with the girls and we all saw this beautiful carriage,it was the gothic version of the Cinderella one. I love it, and we got in and I heard one say, " okay we're ready." He said, " okay." And soon we were off. We had music playing right now. And we were singing to it. And we had a stop light, and there were people standing on the sidewalk. And one truck rolled down her window and I turned it down.

She asked, " may I ask where you are going and what you are doing?" I replied, " we are going to this nice venue and I'm getting married today." She said, " aww well congrats. I was just curious because I seen this gorgeous carrageenan go down the street." I said, " well thank you. And I hope you have a wonderful day." She said, " thank you I hope you do. And congrats." I waved by, and we went to the venue

At the venue

We got there and I am so nervous what if I trip down the aisle. What if I f**k up? I think they saw how nervous I was, " Haley you're going to be fine. Besides we're happy for you, you are going to take his breath away." I nodded and the doors opened I saw how pretty it was decorated. And I mean pretty. I saw my dad. Yep I am going to cry. I took his arm, and I don't think I am ready. I am not sure. I love Dustin with all my heart.

But I am just scared. Dad said, " you look so grown up." I smiled and said, " please don't let me fall." " never." We went down and I saw Dustin I have to admit, he is cute, but right now he is omg.

I just I don't know how I feel. My heart says I love him, but my mind says I look horrible. I think my head is right. What does he see in me?

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