chapter 27: off days;sleeping in

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May 4,2025

I woke up to dogs barking there head off, I yelled, " assiedes!" They stopped I yelled, " thank you." I got out of bed and today me and Dustin are getting a tattoo. This will be his second, mine I have no idea. But I woke up got dressed into this:

I got out and saw Dustin ready, " ready?" He nodded and I said, " well be back soon. Later." They waved by, and to busy watching Halloween: resurrection.

At the shop

We got there and the one girl said, " hi what can I help you with?" I replied," I called in I think last week, but we would like to get. Tattoo." She said, " okay well you must be Haley and Dustin?" I replied, " yeah" she said, " well I can ask shelia really quick," I She turned back and said, " sheila?"

She said coming to the front, " yeah what's up?" She said, " can you take Haley back?" She said, " yeah." She said, " okay I got the stencil over by my chair, and there's two. I got them labeled." She nodded and said, " I can take you back Haley." I said, " okay. By Dustin." He said, " later Haley." Sheila and I went to the back. And I am getting it on the other side of my collar bone. And this I don't know how is going to be.

I am nervous but I have so many other tattoos. I will live. She said, " so what brings you out here to Idaho?" I replied, " tour." She said, " oh cool. Who you on tour with if you don't mind me asking?" I replied, " motionless in white, davey suicide, black veil brides, New Year's Day and avenged sevenfold." She said, " that's so cool." She started it and I said, " when my manager and friend told me that we were going on tour with them I flipped."

She said, " that's kind of funny." I said, " you should've seen what happened Christmas in 2017. That was just omg." She said, " oh what did you get?" I replied, " my dad got me, resurrection tour tickets. It went from me shocked, crying, shocked, screaming, hugging him to death, crying, then squealing again."

I smiled and she laughed, " that's awesome." I said, " I still love black veil brides asking Alexandria and crown the empire. There awesome." She smiled, " that's awesome. I do to." I said. " just one band I would love to see in concert Okay two, if I could see kiss in concert one day,that would be amazing. I grew up listening to Motley Crue, kiss and twisted sister. I still love those bands as well. I got a twisted tattoo on my right arm."

She looked really quick and said, " that's cool. But what's the other band you would like to see in concert?" I replied, " I am sorry if this touches a nerve, if they were to ever go on a reunion tour I would literally cry my eyes out." She knew exactly what I meant, " I am still praying and hoping they do." I said, " I do to, I am just waiting for it. Waiting I swear when the one day they posted the video in New Mexico. I was crying for an hour straight."

She smiled, " I did to, my sister showed me and it was just complete shock." I said, " yeah. Just I swear I got a bad feeling that my friends are going to do something. And I am going to get them back."

She laughed a little and we were talking the whole time.

Two hour later

So we got back to the bus and saw everyone cuddled on the couch and the dogs cuddled on the other side. I whispered, " I think we should leave them to sleep." He nodded and said, " do you want to watch a movie in the back?" He nodded and we went to the back. And I think that this is kind of cute, both of us are crazy, and our tattoos are related. Our tattoos look like this, mine is on the right and Dustin's is on the other side:

I love it but this is what the next few weeks happen. Sound check, concert, meet and greet, signing, off day, repeat.

May 15,2025

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