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  May 31, 2020

I woke up this morning feeling great, it is the last day of school. Entirely. I am super excited and happy about it. But well I was trying to get up to shut my alarm off but couldn't because my cat Ghost was lying on my side. I smiled, "Kitty, little monster."

She looked at me like I am trying to sleep. I lightly pushed her off, and she just flopped over. But I had to work after school. I got up shut my alarm off, got dressed, and did my hair and makeup. Then I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone and went to school.  During freshman year, I found out that my mother had stage four melanoma skin cancer, and it hit me hard.

I have been through hell and back, I have been through it and I am still a shattered mess. When the worst day of all arrived, October 10, 2017, my mother passed. When I came home that day. I had a snack, & Buster, Daisy, & Ghost were begging. As usual, but I had no homework thank goodness. My dad came home. With just this depressed vibe, He came into the front room. Sitting down in the chair, I asked, " Let me guess?" He nodded. I had only a few tears left. I shed a few more, but he came over and gave me a hug. After that, it was no emotions. No tears, and back to faking smiles.

I inherited her car, it is just a little piece of memory. I can never handle the true reality of it. Every time I went with Dad to see her, she just acted fine. Deep down I knew she wasn't, I just cried my eyes out, and I just hid my eyes, my emotions, my pain. I faked the smiles. But on a different note. Halloween, it was alright freezing cold. But totally worth it.

Now Christmas we survived, the tree intact, and nothing was destroyed. No animal ate anything off the tree. So my dad made me cry, I got foxy slippers, unicorn cotton candy, the George Carlin series, funny comedian, little stuffed animals, and a few nice tops, I love them, but the last box, scavenger hunt with zip ties tapped on the box, but holy crap, I got to the bottom and it was an envelope. So October I told my dad that black veil brides and asked Alexandria were going on tour, he kept this from me for three months. THREE FREAKING MONTHS. Are you kidding me, totally worth it. Well, I saw what it was.

It went from me gasping in utter shock, crying my eyes out, hugging my dad, crying, squealing, crying, then squealing again. And I had already picked my Offutt before I even knew. But well I wouldn't shut up about it. The rest of the month and all of January. We went on January 20, it was at the Riviera Theater downtown. I had a freaking amazing time. And it was gorgeous out. But I wore my Black Veil Brides shirt, leather jacket, skinny jeans, and my black boots. It was amazing, I was going to stand in the pit. But nope I felt a little cramped. I headed upstairs.

But I got a better view. It still was freakin awesome, so I screamed my heart out. I could barely speak for four I think what four or five days? It was just omg. I had a Hell of a time. I won't forget that night. I did also see my dad's head banging a little. That was a rare thing to see, but I did accidentally call him a t-Rex. But well sorry Dad.

At school

So I got to the first hour, and well it's a normal day, I go to all my classes. Don't eat lunch, play on my phone, read, go to the fifth hour, and the rest, then go home. So my favorite classes I have would probably be, first, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh. But well soon I have to go to work after school.

After School

I got out of school. And well I had a somewhat good day, but I am wanting to move out of the house, but I have had my eye on this apartment for a little, so this paycheck I am going to get it. So I work part-time at two jobs for now. One is at Walmart, and the other I have is at Rue 21. They had an opening so I took it.

After work: 6:45

I called home and was wondering what we were going to have for dinner tonight, gram said she didn't take anything out. I asked, "Do you want pizza?" Her response was, "Sure that sounds good."  As i said my temporary goodbyes i made my way over to the nearest pizza place. But I need a break. I have finished school. I graduate in three days, not going to prom. I do not care for it. Yeah, I like dresses, but I don't feel comfortable wearing them. I love heels and glitter and sparkle but I don't wear them. So I am going to wear a pair of nice jeans, a nice shirt, and a pair of heels under the cap and gown.

I really don't think that it will all I have to say is goodbye to high school. And all the years I went. School sucks.

Back home

I got back home, turned off the engine, collected my things, and headed inside. I was bombarded by Buster and Daisy, I said, " Hi crazies, I know I'm home. Hi." I walked into the kitchen setting down the pizza, I said, "Pizzas here." I heard my dad yell, "Be there in a minute." I got out plates for them, and I was going to be on my phone for a minute searching the World Wide Web for the bookmarked website.

I found it and saw wagging tails. I said looking up to see my grandma coming in the room, I asked, " Hey Gram did they have -you know what?" She said, "No and you can give them one." I nodded and said to the dogs and cat that appears, " Who wants a treat?" They started going nuts. I laughed and walked over to the silver shelf, giving them one each. But then my grandma asked, " So how was the last day of school?" I said, "Same as usual." They nodded, " Haley are you busy in July ( forgot the warped tour date but I know it's in July)?" I replied, "No not that I know of besides work. Why?" My dad smiled at me and said, "Do you think you can take the day off?" I said, "Maybe I have to see. What are you planning?" He replied, "Nothing much."

I know he's planning something. I said, "Dad I know you very well, Christmas remember? But whatever. I am going to be in my room. Yell if you need me." I went to my room. And saw a big envelope I sighed and opened it. I searched through and saw what I thought was a frozen dream. I walked out to the kitchen and said, "So I found this on my door-" My dad had this huge smile. And I knew I always wanted to move out there, I saved up a few thousand and put it towards saving for me to move out there. He gave me a hug, "Happy belated birthday." I said, "You're serious? This is real?" I pulled away and he said, "Yep. I kind of helped with your grandma. And well the cd was mature enough."

I just squealed and saw the dogs looking at me I said, " I know I am psycho. But you are too." So what I saw in the envelope was the kind of loan for this apartment which has a small kitchen, small front room, and bedroom. I said, "This is just too perfect, but this means I moving out of the state. I am going to miss you guys." They gave me a hug, "We will do but go live your dreams, Haley." This is just I can't believe it. I am living a dream.

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