Ch.19: throw the first stone

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Wednesday, Feb 14,2024

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I quickly ran in the lounge area being trampled by dogs, I cursed, " f**k." I got up and saw Dustin cooking. I said, " good morning." He said, " good morning pretty." I said, " I look like a train wreck don't even try." Tiana said, " oh come on. He made pancakes." I said, " really?" He them said, " and bacon." I said, " oh." I also got to feed the dogs. I grabbed there bowls and put some in for them and it's adorable. But liana came in and said, " Haley, when you get ready, you have to come out here." I said, " okay why?"

She said, " there's a few people who want to meet you." Okay I thought, and said, " be out in five."

I stole a piece of bacon, and went to get changed. I did and put this on for now meaning I threw on a pair of leggings, a guns and roses t shirt, and misfit flip flops. I brushed my hair, and teeth, and put my glasses on, I went outside. And saw these three girls. I said, " hi girls. What can I do for you?"

They said, " it's so great to meet you. Could we have a hug." I said, " sure." I gave them a hug and saw this one girls shirt, it was a Motley Crue shirt. I said, " holy crap I love your shirt." She said, " thank you."

I said, " you coming to the show tonight?" They replied, " definitely." I said, " cool. What's your names?" They replied, " amara." " Caroline." " Sammy." I replied, " it's great to meet you." They said, " it's so great to meet you. You helped us through our demons past."

I said, " aw, I am glad to hear I helped, but if you ever want to talk text me on Twitter, or email me please. I will try my best to help." They gave me a hug and said, " thank you." They pulled away with tears, I said, " please don't cry. If you cry then I am going to." They smiled a little and said, " this is for you." I said, " thank you."

I pulled out this picture, and it was my name, in a different look. I said, " thank you this is so pretty." I pulled out another thing and it was a pair of faux tapers. I said, " aww, thank you so much." I gave them another hug, and they said, " there's also something for the puppies.

And Liana, lauren, and Tiana." I said, " I will give it to them. Thank you so much girls. I will see you at the show tonight." I waved by and I swear I was almost in tears.

I walked back on the bus, and said, " liana, lauren, tiana, here." They looked to me and I gave them the bags, and they pulled out there things. And asked, " who was this from?" I replied, " the three girls that were out there. And I think we found a logo." I showed them the picture.

And they were in aw. I said, " what do you think?" They nodded and Dustin handed me a plate, it was so cute. The plate was a heart shape pancake. I said, " thank you Dustin." He smiled giving me a hug, " happy Valentine's Day." I blushed and ate the delicious pancake.

So we had a few hours till the show but I had to get ready for sound check.

After sound check

I was walking off stage when Dustin grabbed my hand, I laughed, " Dustin, what are you doing." He replied, " what can't I hold my girlfriends hand?" I rolled my eyes and took off my guitar strap, and I heard a familiar voice, " hi Haley." I looked to see Ben, " hi Ben."

He said, " hey Haley, how are you?" I replied, " I'm alright. It's a good day. What about you?" He replied, " I'm alright. Listen I gotta go, but see you around, and if you find Danny tell him I was looking for him." I said, " I will later Ben." He waved by and left.

And then these two other guys came over and asked, " excuse me but do you know where this one guy left, he is tall, kind of crazy." I said, " he just left. And said he was looking for one named Danny?" He nodded and said, " okay thanks." I waved by and went to the RV.

Before I walked in I heard a bike come over. I looked to see a cherry red 84 Harley. I growled, I saw this one guy. I knew exactly who it was. My ex, Austin. I rolled my eyes and was about to open the door, when I heard my name, " Haley?" I looked it see Austin. Now he and I went separate ways.

So I could give two s***ts. He came over and tried to give me a hug, I backed away. And he said, " what's wrong?" I replied, " what are you doing here?" He replied, " what can't I see my girl?" I replied, " Austin, listen, you and I have been nothing for almost a year and a half. Why did you come here?"

He said, " now don't be like that darling." I growled, " don't you even try here boy. Explain now, or your gonna be kicked where the sun don't shine." He smirked, " oh come on. I never broke up with you. So how about a kiss." He leaned in and I slapped him across the face and he said, " you b**ch."

He kissed me and my lips were tainted. I stepped away and spit. I said, " oh f**k that was totally gross." He tried again, I punched him in the mouth. I said, " I warned you. Don't test me you f**king pig." He said, " that was a bad idea." He grabbed me by my arms. And said, " you and I are not done."

I socked him in the head with mine, and he was out. I am known for being stubborn. I held my head and went in the RV. I said, " do we have ice packs?" They nodded, " in the freezer." I pulled one out and held it to my head, Dustin asked, " everything alright?" I said, " no crazy ex." The girls looked to me and said, " what is he doing here?" I replied, " don't know don't even give a damn" They said, " good girl."

I went to my bunk for the remaining time and was curious I think that I know that I am on tour with amazing bands. But I am still starting out, I wonder if one of them will go with me? Maybe scarlet will. So I looked for the nearest stop on the map and well what did I know, the next stop they have is in Chicago." I smiled and texted scarlet. " hey scarlet, can you come with me this day. I can fly you here."

She said, " okay what is it?" I explained to her everything. She said, " I'm in. But wait is that an off day?" I said, " yeah in Chicago this time we have two off days. So we can surprise Dustin. But I am going to text Juliet or inna. And see what they think. But what do you think should I go?" She replied, " Haley you are talented, you should go. You got a voice use it. Besides I know you are going to rock it. But we are going shopping." I said, " okay deal."

Chicago, Illinois

Saturday March 2,2024

Today we are in Chicago Illinois, and after sound check I am going to pick up scarlet from the airport. And also my dad is coming out to the show tonight. I am super happy about that. But I woke up this morning and smelled bacon. I walked out to the front room, and saw my three puppies angel, hollow, and tinkerbell cuddled tougher on the couch. I smiled and saw Tiana and liana. I asked, " hey guys, where's the other two?" Tiana said, " in the venue. And also you have mail." She handed me a package and I opened it, " to Haley and Dustin. Thanks for saving me from myself."

I said, " aw." I saw these leggings, and this drawing, of Dustin and I. This is so pretty. I texted Dustin, " Dustin, when you get back to the RV you have to see this. Amazing fan art." I sent that. And got a text from scarlet. " hey almost to Chicago, can't wait to see you guys. Be there soon." I smiled and I was going to wear these leggings tonight.

They are super cute.


I walked in and tonight okay so toddy's has been great. Tomorrow me, my dad, and scarlet are going to agt tomorrow. And I am so nervous, none of the others know besides Juliet and inna. So this I am still nervous, but Dustin is still happy about his step sister being here. And I am happy to. But I got to see my dad before the show and I explained to him, and he is alright with it. But tonight is just going amazing so far.

Song list tonight:

Empty heart

Demons awake

Shattered mind

Different eyes

What's it going to be?

So I wrote a new song and I love it. But I hope the others do. So I am still nervous as hell about tomorrow. But I am going to get a goods night rest, wake up around four and head there to get a early spot.

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