Ch.29: home and different

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I am back home right now, and I drove over to Indiana, I got to the house, and saw dad on the porch kind of figured. We also got the music video done. But I parked my car, and got out. Dad said, " hey crazy." I said, " hi dad." I gave him a hug and he said, " how are you?" I said, " good, tired but good." He asked, " so how was tour?" I said, " I have to show you the video. This has already gotten fifteen thousand views." I showed him the video on my phone and he said, " we know it was on the news."

I said, " oh. Well how are you?" He said, " good. I am so glad your home." I said, " I am glad to I get to spend time with you." I got a text from liana, " hey sorry to bother you but, when you get back, we have to talk." I said, " okay but for now I am on vacation, spending time with my family. So no texts about music, unless it is any good notifications."

I went inside with dad, to be trampled by the dogs. I am really debating on something, I don't know though. Because well maybe a long needed vacation, yeah. That sounds good. I might go to New York for a little while. There or Florida. I don't know. Maybe Chicago. Okay Chicago I know a few more places there. I can save up a little money.

September 20,2025: Saturday

I am going to catch a flight to Chicago tomorrow. And I am heading downtown. I packed this:

Five pairs of skinny jeans

Four band shirts

Two long sleeve shirts

Combat boots, black heels, black vans

Long sleeve dress

Swim suit

I got a ticket to see phantom of the opera, I love those type of plays, I never got to see it before so this will be nice. It is at the middle of Chicago I went to see Hamilton in sophomore year there. So I am familiar where it is. But it is wednesday around seven thirty. So I can't wait. But for now a sleeping long time period on plane from Los Angeles to Chicago.

Chicago, illinois

I got to Chicago and it is nice here, but I am staying at the small hotel I think it's one over from Michigan street. Don't know, but I got out of the taxi car. And went inside, so I am going to have a day to myself. Okay week to myself. But hey I do it to clear my head. I have everything planned, today gonna just head to bed, since the plane got in late, Monday go shopping, Tuesday, get Thai food, shopping, and I am going to this one really good cafe, it's lavasa. I love there coffee. But they are closed on mondays so that's why I am going Tuesday.

And wednesday going to watch movies, then get ready for the play, and take a taxi there. So for now as to tell I am tired so good night.

Monday: October 15,2025

I woke up got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans, black combat boots, my sweater, grabbed my purse, and phone. And went out to the streets. I went to the mall- water tower. And I usually walk there, but I will walk a few blocks and see what I can find.


I walked into Sephora and I need a new eyeliner, I am debating on getting one here? I am so not sure, but I looked around and saw this one, it is I think new, I checked it out and read the label, "New Sephora eyeliner, lasts 24 hours and water proof." Okay then wait waterproof? How much is it though.

I looked at the price. Wow, that's a faulty not bad for Sephora, it's sixteen. Usually it's twenty, I grabbed that, and got a new concealer. So I only spent twenty five here. I walked out and got a text from Dustin," hi Haley."

I said, " hi boo. How are you?" He replied, " I got a joke." I said, " okay then what is it?" He said, " when you know the time has come, it is best to explain. We're done for." Ouch okay I said, " okay, well have a nice life." He texted back, " it's a joke."

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