chapter 14: happy Halloween

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After the concert

I walked off stage, and Dustin said, " hi Haley." He had a blushing smile. Then I said, " hi Dustin. Happy Halloween." He smiled and said, ' Haley can I talk to you?" I said, " sure what's up?" He said, " I know we have been dating for a little while now, and I know there's only so many days of this tour left. And well wat I am trying to ask is, Haley will you be my girlfriend?" I replied, " yes I would love to dustin." He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I said, " thank you for the best Halloween Dustin." He smiled, " Haley, your the perfect girl I have met."

So tonight was just totally perfect, I got to play a concert on Halloween, I'm on tour with my best friends, my boyfriend, and amazing bands. This is just so cool. I said, " hey I'm gonna head outside for a minute." He nodded and I went to the RV really quick, took off my makeup. I then heard this scream, " get away from me!" I ran outside, and looked around.

I saw this guy and girl in an alley, I ran to them and said, " hey what are you doing?" He laughed, " get out of here there's nothing to see." I looked to the girl she had pure terror in her eyes. I said, " don't you touch her." He looked to me and said, " what are you gonna do about it girl?" I said, " you have no right to hurt her." He took a swing at me slapping me. I cursed, he said, " shut up you b**ch." I said looking to the girl, " go get help." She nodded and I punched the guy in the mouth. Cursing he said, " you shouldn't have butted in."

He socked me in the eye, my bad one at that, " you a**hole. You got my bad eye." I got him in the gut. And heard running footsteps. And someone said, " there!" I socked him in the gut one more time. And there were two security guards that got him. I held my hand and I think I broke my finger. One asked, " you okay?" I said, " yeah. I'm fine, I think I broke my finger though." One said, " I can take you backstage check it out. Max you call frank at the station and I will see if I can get word." He nodded.

I went inside with the security guard, and he said, " that was a brave move you made?" I said, " She was innocent. He had no right to do that." He smirked, " well it clearly is a break. For now I can wrap it, but you will have to splint it." I looked to him and I heard someone ask, " may I speak with Haley?" He nodded, and Dustin came in and said, " oh god Haley are you okay?" I said, " broken finger." The security guard said, " it's your middle finger." I sighed, " it's always my middle finger, I swear." He laughed a little. And I said, " this is gonna hurt, if you hear me swear plug your ears."

They did and I moved it and I was cursing up and down. But soon the pain subsided. I said, " wow that hurt more than anything." Dustin said, " you know that tomorrow is an off day." I said, " and?" He said, " well I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go somewhere or do something?" I replied, " sure. I would like that." He smiled and said, " I think we should get you to a hospital." The security guard, " I suggest you listen to your boyfriend." I blushed, " okay. And I have to call my dad. I haven't talked to him in forever." He had a smile appear to his face.

I said, " bye." He waved by, and so me and Dustin went back to the RV, and I said, " why do I have a weird feeling they won't shut upon about this?" He laughed, " I think you might be right." We walked in to the RV and I said, " okay don't freak out. But can I go to the hospital?" They looked at me with a look like what did you do. I held up my hand, and my middle finger is broken, it's a little swollen, and starting to turn black and blue. They just nodded, lauren said, " I will drive." I said, " thanks." So lauren went to the driver seat. And I sat down on the couch, Tiana asked, " how did you break it?"

I explained what happened. And she said, " that's brave."

Second to last day of tour( off day): November 4,2023: Saturday

I woke up to someone poking me. I growled, " five more minutes." I heard a different voice, " haley it's 12:30 in the afternoon. Wake up." I got one eye open, and saw liana and Chris. Weird but I said, " and I am comfy I don't want to get up." Liana said, " I will get a bucket of water if you don't get up." I said, " you do that I get revenge." I gave her a Cheshire smile, " I tried." I laughed and said, " fine I will get up." They smiled and Chris said, " I have to ask you a question." I rolled onto the floor getting up then asked, " what's?" He said, " do you want to sing contemptress with me tonight?" I said, " sure." He smiled and we all heard a screech.

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