chapter 5: telling the stories

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Next day: Monday May 16,2021

So I woke up this morning feeling great, and so today we are in I believe in Indiana. My home state, I said, " yep still corn fields." But I am fine with it, I still love it here. I recognize the area and we are in south bend Indiana. I got out to someone walking by, I am here still in my clothes from the other day, so this is very awkward. But oh well I don't really care. But they said, " morning Haley." I said, " hi" I grabbed out my phone and texted liana, " hey where are you?" She replied, " I am walking your way. And I brought breakfast." I replied, " oh thank god."

I looked up to see liana walking this way, " you're a lifesaver, my stomach was about to eat my rib cage." She laughed and said, " I know it's not the greatest but it's something." I said, " food is fine." She laughed at my stomach growling.

Sound check

So we had sound check right now. And things were good, but I think there is a tattoo shop around here. I have to check the internet. But well I would like to get another one. That or a different piercing. Because I have a septum and spider bites, and tattoos I have one on my wrist and one on my hand. And I can't believe my dad didn't catch that. Haha, oh well I will probably tell him later.

After sound check

So I found one nearby. So I told liana I will be back before the show. She said alright but to keep in touch. So I got dressed into a different offutt. And headed over. It read on the Instagram page there is one opening so I commented on it and well that's where I am going.

Electric rose tattoo

I got there and it was nice. I went to the front and she asked, " hi what can I do for you today?" I replied, " I saw on your Instagram page that you had a spot open." She said, " okay. What type and where do you want it?" I replied, " well I would like to get it on my right forearm." I showed her the picture. And I said, " but I want you to have your own ideas to it." She smiled to the comment. And said, " I can draw this really quick, then take you back."

One hour later

Lianas pov

So it has been almost two hours, and doors open at five and it is four now. So I texted her, " hey Haley not to be pushy or anything but where are you?!" She replied, " look up."

Haley's pov

So I got back to the venue and well I got carried away with talking. So that's why I got back early. I got a text from liana asking me where I was I told her as I was walking, " lookup." She did and I waved hi. She said, " you my friend need to go get ready." I said, " okay. Well hi to you to." I said walking to her. She rolled her eyes and said, " where did you go?" I said, " electric rose." She turned her head.

I showed her my forearm. She lightly grabbed it saying, " cool. You got that done today?" I nodded, " not bad but go get ready we'll talk later." I smiled walking to the car, and grabbing an offutt for tonight's show. Then I went back inside and to the bathrooms to get ready.

Ten minutes later

So I came back out and got a text from my dad and he said, " hey so I know I saw you the other day, but I couldn't help it, I love you and miss you. And happy belated birthday." I looked up to see liana I said, " hey." She smiled, " there's someone who wants to see you." She started to walk, and I followed her backstage. I saw my dad and grandma, " how?" I ran to them giving them a hug, " hi. Ow, forgot." I pulled way hugging my arm. Forgetting I got a tattoo this morning. My dad said, " happy belated birthday." I smiled and liana said, " your dad told me that your birthday was yesterday."

I said " and?" She made me turn around, and she was holding a very pretty blue and black ombré guitar. I said, " wow." She smiled, " happy belated birthday Haley." I gave her a hug, " liana you didn't have to." She shut me up, " I wanted to. Besides your my bestie, and Lauren was in on this to." I smiled, " thank you. That is just wow." She smiled and handed it to me, it is awesome. And a nice fit to me.

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