chapter 10: meeting others

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October 1,2022

Invoke up this morning to the glorious sound of motionless in white Abigail playing through my phone. I woke, up, got in the shower got out, and got dressed

i went to the studios with liana.

At the studios

So we got there and well I am so nervous right now, I don't know why. But we walked in and I saw so many others, liana siad, " Haley stop being nervous you will be fine." She knows exactly why the hello I am nervous. This is the first time I am doing a movie. I just watch them I don't do them. But the one guy I think the director it was came over and said, " hi, you must be liana and Haley?" I nodded, " hi." He said, " nice to meet you, I'm Patrick. And the others are here, they don't bite."

We went over and he said, " this is Haley. Haley this is Jesse, Benjamin, Denise, Juliana,-" He went through everyone, and I was lost in thought I just had the lines running through my head. But well he said, " okay then, we will be starting to shoot tomorrow. So be on time people." He then left and I was about to grab out my ear buds, when a few of the people came over and said, " hi I'm Jesse." I said, " hi Jesse, I'm Haley. Nice to meet ya." She smiled, " nice to meet you to. Who's your role?" I replied, " Olivia Kayla." She said, " nice, I play liliana. Or lily." I nodded, then this one guy came over and well this is Benjamin Bruce, the guitarist, for asking Alexandria.

He also played in the movie American Satan. He said, " hi girlies, I'm Ben." I said, " nice to meet you I'm Haley." He smiled and said, " hey Jessie nice to see you again." She smiled, " hey Ben, good to see you again to." She then asked, " if you don't mind me asking how many tattoos do you have?" I replied, " last time I checked or seen, I think so far about eight, maybe nine." She nodded, " and how old are you? Sorry with the questions. Just curious." I replied, " nine teen." They were in shock. I said, " I know I think I have more tattoos than a regular nineteen year old. But hell I am know I am not normal." They laughed. But then one said, " So is this the first time you have done a movie?"

I nodded, " yes and nerves are this close to going haywire." They laughed a little, " you'll be fine, that's how I was when we filmed American Satan in 2017." I said, " I remember. Begged my dad to take me. But no dice." They smiled. I then kept thinking about my mom. I miss her so much. And then Jesse snapped me out of my thoughts, thank you. " hey you alright? Kind of lost you for a minute." I said, " deep thought." They nodded and I said, " I am gonna be right back." They nodded and I just felt ina. Awkward situation.

But I grabbed oh my ear buds, and just blared music on my phone and into my head. The first song was the black, asking song. Great. Yeah my nerves went haywire. Still might have an after shock of paranoia. But I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked up to see one familiar person, but didn't seem to familiar he asked, " hey you alright?" I got up off the ground and said, " yeah. Just had to clear my head" He nodded, " okay, oh sorry, I'm Remington." I said, " Haley." I pulled out the other earbud and stopped the music. I said, " so Remington what brings you out here?"

He said, " I was coming out to get a little fresh air, what brings you out here besides clearing your head." I replied, " i think if I told you you would think I was crazy." He said, " but aren't the best people crazy?" I sighed, " I have or might have an after shock of paranoia. And I think I can say that my entire life it has been me in my own head." He nodded," well Haley. Things will be alright. And if you ever want, I'm on Twitter, you can talk to me if you want." I said, " thank you remmington." He smiled, why did he seem so familiar? I headed back inside. And soon I had to head back home since I had to be here early rise.

Next day: October 2,2022

I got up and dressed into a pair of shorts, a tank top and well I dislike this right now.

At the studio

So I got to the studio and today we started filming the first scene. So it was going to be Jesse then, destine, then Ben, then me. So I am really nervous, I know I will f**k up a few times. But oh well.

Two hours later

Soon I had to shoot for my scene, and I was told to stay in this room, so it kind of like my old room but more band poster filled. I was wearing the same offutt, but I was lying on the bed, normally sprawled out, and I was listening to music, when I heard the one voice, " hey Rachel!" I said, " ugh, what?" She replied, " you have got mail!" I said, " you seriously need to stop yelling lily." She laughed, " sorry. But here." She handed me a few things and I said, " thanks." She left and the director said, " cut!" We stopped rolling and he said, " okay moving on to the next scene." So that took a minute to readjust and well to put it this way.

Next year: July 20,2023

Premier night

So tonight we are going to see the movie, we finished up in early February. Not bad outside. Just freezing cold actually. But lately worth it. But I was told I need to wear a dress. So I found one and well I did get another tattoo. Davey did it. And it came out awesome, and my offutt tonight is this:

I finished up getting ready then headed over. I really don't know what to expect. But I can say that this is super freaking nerve racking.

At the premier

I got there and holy crap there's a lot of people. But I heard someone calling my name, " Haley?" I looked to see Juliet and Andy. I said, " hi." They walked over, and said, " hi Haley." Juliet said, " cute dress. How are you?" I said, " for some reason nervous don't know why?" She said, " oh you will be fine, come on." She took my hand I I mouthed the words, " help." Andy laughed and well soon it was me being blinded by bright light. Juliet said, " you alright?" I said, " I feel like a deer in a headlight." She turned her head to the side a little, " I came from Indiana there's were. Lot of them." She nodded.

But soon we made our way in the building, wow that was intense. Juliet said, " I will be right back I am going to find Andy." I nodded and she left. I am very awkward or to put it this way a wallflower at big events. Or any event. Soon I think it was Jesse, she said, " hi Haley. It's good to see you. I love your dress." I said, " hi Jesse. And thanks." She said, " you alright you seem tense?" I said, " at any event really I am a wallflower. Quiet, shy. Introvert." She nodded, " hey come with me I want you to meet a few people." I said, " okay." She walked off I followed. And well she said, " hey guys, I would like you to meet Haley, Haley, you remember Ben, and this is the rest of asking Alexandria." I waved hi. And well this is very awkward, but I am a wallflower. They said, " hi."

So I think that it is kind of cool that I got to meet them somewhat. But I am exploding on the inside. Then after a minute the lights flickered and we flooded into the theater.

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