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I heard Nik speaking but when what she was saying finally registered, I sat down on the edge of her bed. There truly could only be one mate after all. Since discovering the second golden strand in her magic system, the three of had been at odds with our emotions and were unsure how to move on. Callion said nothing after Nik finished speaking. Though he showed no outward reaction, I had known the male since childhood and knew when something bothered him. It was in the twitch at the back of his jaw and the Fae stillness. I was no such master of my emotions.

The three of us were quiet for a while. An uncomfortable but necessary silence as we took the time to process the last year thinking Nik had two mates. We were both bound to her in some way, but only one of us bound by the heart, and the other of magic.

At last, Callion spoke. "How do we know which one of us is the Twin Flame?"

Nik's head moved between us looking as heartbroken as we felt. "My father said that it isn't easy to tell. Most of the time it gets mistaken. Lambert did with Atiweh and Tarrent did with my mom. He mentioned that Twin Flame's were able to combine and help their other Twin."

I laughed and emotionless laugh. "But we have both done that."

Nik faced me wearing guilt on her face that didn't belong there. "I know." She looked down at her new clothes. Her father's colors, she said.

"Did your father mention if there was any indication to what a mate feels like? A difference?" I asked carefully. Callion made to take a step towards Nik but stopped himself. Gods I knew how he felt. To leave her there, to cry on her own. Neither of us willing to comfort her while we were both in her presence. Anything to make sure we didn't manipulate her feelings for either of us.

Nik scratched her bare arm, something she hadn't done in a while, and I knew Callion took note of the absent action too. "He only said that I would know once I was forced to know. He knew only after meeting my mother. When she gave birth here, he was forced to be next to Atiweh and my mother at the same time. Of course, that wont work for us. Being around either of you doesn't indicate who is who. My mother and Atiweh apparently became fast friends, despite Tarrent being mated to someone else. The only concern was keeping my identity hidden." Nik shook her head and looked down. "To have the love and respect for one another the way they all did. It must have been a difficult situation, but they all moved past it somehow. Survived." She looked up with determination in her eyes. "Promise me. Both of you. That we will love and support each other, no matter the outcome. We all deserve to be happy, even in the midst of this coming war."

She reached out and grabbed each of our hands and I nearly came undone at the tender act. I rubbed her knuckles with my thumb and looked to my best friend by my side. His attention was already on me with determination written on his face.

"I will not make that promise." I admitted and Nik gasped. She loosened her grip and I held on. "I can't. Your magic is extremely strong and to be bound in a promise I'm not sure I can keep, would only hurt everyone here. Whether I am you mate or not. Twin Flame or not. You have my heart, and I don't know how or if I would be able to handle watching you with my best friend. My brother." Nik wrenched her hand away and Callion took in what I was saying with a calm resolve. "I can promise, that if it comes to it, I will try. But, Nik, if it is me. If I am your mate, you will have me fully and exclusively. There is no other and there never has been." I reached forward and grabbed her cheeks slick with tears. "I would be there for you, for anything you needed. Aergan would flourish under our rule together and it would be an honor to have you has a life partner."

I kissed her gently and she cried as she leaned into the kiss. She let go of Callion's hand and brought them up to wrap around the back of my head. I had never kissed her in front of Callion. Couldn't. But this moment was important, and she needed to know why I was not able to make the promise she asked for. She deserved the truth and I loved her too much to give her anything less.

I released her with anothersmall kiss at the corner of her mouth. Without a further glance at either ofthem, I walked out the door.

The Crystal MinesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin