8 Rion

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I watched in mock boredom as the stocky kid, Dath, beat the shit out of my brother. Our father had him strapped to the chair while Dath wailed on him with fists of fire. He had gone numb from the whip a month ago. Father required that Evander and I watch as Alden suffered each session, calling it a lesson in loyalty. Really, it was a threat and a promise if we crossed a line ourselves. He had no idea I had already done that.

Erix was no idiot. He caught on that I had tried to kill Nik during the trials. I chalked it up wanting to help him with his agenda, although I had no idea what it was. I had my guesses but couldn't be sure enough to take any action on it. I could be the villain if it meant saving my brothers. Erix was after Nik, and I wanted to take away what he wanted. Surely killing her would be a mercy compared to what he could have planned for her. Now, she was locked away in the Adrastos Mines, the location unknown to everyone but our father. Alden took a blow to the face, skin sizzling and fell unconscious. Evander twitched next to me, trying his best to hide his fear and horror. I pitied my youngest brother.

Father had lock away his lover when he hadn't even touched the damned quartz on the fourth trial. He did it simply because he hated who Evander was. I didn't care either way if I was being honest. Love was love after all. Not that he would believe me at this point, with all that I had done trying to stop father. He stayed locked away in his room if he wasn't teaching Pyromancy. Erix had gifted him, Dath, and I with master's robes a few days after the other from our team bolted. With Syphor and Ahren running as well, and Lambert's death, there were three openings at the university. Dath took over for Ahren teaching earth magic, and I took over Lambert's position teaching light magic.

I kept it to myself that I respected my new classroom as much as could, honoring the old man's memory. My father was a sick bastard for murdering him and I hated him all the more for it. My fist clenched at my side at the emotion building inside of me. I released it as soon as I noticed, knowing he kept a close eye on our mannerisms. He once punched me in the face for having m elbows on the table while we ate with the king and his son. I hadn't seen the prince since his brief appearance during the winter ball many months ago. Father said he was on travel again. His face revealed nothing, but I've learned his subtle mannerisms over the years and know when he is lying.

Dath backed up from Alden's still unconscious form, sweating through his robes. He never removed them before each session for some reason. Whatever hold my father had on him, he did what ever he asked exactly when he asked with no regard for himself. Like now, his fists were raw and bloodied. Evander's breath quickened next to me, and I kicked his shoe subtly telling him to get it together. He straightened his back and stared forward. Father came forward and dismissed us at last with a wave of his hand. I turned and walked away to climb down the ladder that led to his office balcony. Evander followed behind me and in silence, we walked to our rooms in the Prime pod. Dath's room had been moved there since so everyone else had left with Ameer. No one else had taken the places of Primes. My father claimed to leave it as it was to honor those that were lost. A load of shit really, but the people ate his words up, missing the stink behind the diamonds.

I turned the handle to my rooms, but it was already opening from Sharin waiting inside. She flung herself at me, trying to make out, arching her back in lust. I fought to refrain from rolling my eyes. "Not now, Sharin," I bit out and pushed her aside and shut the door in her face. I didn't miss her obvious pout before the door clicked. I slumped to the floor, dropping the mask enough that I could breathe. Father made sure I sought Sharin out a few years ago during a ball of some kind. She was a lord's daughter and my father wanted to influence hers. Her father had land that Erix wanted, and the exchange was that I take her out on a date. The charge was easy enough, so I obliged. When he demanded that I keep seeing her because her father was so happy with her apparent joy, I was obligated to stay with her. At one point I thought I could actually learn to like her. She had been sweet and charming in the beginning. But as with most people that meet my father, he got under her skin and manipulated her. Now, she was just a thorn in my side, trying to get me to sleep with her so her father could make me marry her. No thanks. In public, I let her hang all over me and acted the part of the lust filled lover, but behind closed doors, I cast her aside and ignored her. It was cruel really what I was doing to her. But there were only so many masks I could maintain at a time and the one I wore with her, was one I could put aside from time to time.

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