58 Ameer

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I knew that look. The one Callion gave Nik as he danced with her. It meant that she had his full attention and nothing around him mattered. It wasn't often that he relaxed enough to give someone, anything, the amount of attention he now gave her. Not to mention, actually touching her. Callion had thing about touching, always had. Though it got worse once he was stollen away to the mines. I suspected it had to do with growing up with Erix advising his father. There was no telling what horrors and experiments he was able to accomplish right under the king's nose. Callion's attention shifted to me, barely noticeable. He knew I was watching them, just as he had been watching me.

This morning, we had had a long talk about how tonight would go. I couldn't remember who initiated the conversation. It may have very well been an unspoken agreement that it needed to happen. But we both saw Nik, internally beating herself up each day about the dynamic we now found ourselves in. We agreed that it wasn't fair to any of us, but especially her. She didn't choose to be mated to two males. And still trying to recover from being imprisoned for seven months... We decided to ease her burden and step away from her. Give her space to be herself. And whatever came of it, came. There never had been and wouldn't be, bad blood between Callion and I. But it was certainly hard to go back to the way we were with Nik between us. And she knew that, and blamed herself, regardless that it wasn't her fault. So tonight, it was to be about her. About having fun and enjoying the night in rebellion to the horrors of the world right now.

Nik said something to him that I couldn't hear, and he went Fae still, dropping her hands. She stormed off without another word and after gathering himself, he looked to me and went after her. Our friends continued their own festivities but did not miss their departure. Even some of the nobles watched them leave. I took a step to follow, only to be stopped by a hand on my arm.

Sorin was looking at me with a slight cringe. "Let them be."

If it had been anyone but my brother in this moment, I would have torn them to shreds to get to her. He seemed to know it too, holding fast with that quiet strength of his. "They have only been prisoners together, brother. Let them explore what it means to be normal."

He was right of course. Jealousy was an ever-present force, an enemy that I couldn't defeat. And I hated every second of feeling it towards two people I loved. Nik wasn't someone I could be selfish with. I didn't want to share, but the gods and goddesses of this world had other plans and mated her to both of us. I knew them both well enough to know that a threesome would not be possible either. The three of us were entirely too possessive. Though Jakota was getting on just fine with the two beautiful Fae grinding on him. My friend's eyes were glazed with pleasure as he smiled at me across the dance floor. I lifted my glass to him, offering him my blessings. He brought Jaixin's mouth to his and Lilta palmed them both. I finished my drink with a laugh and set it on a nearby table.

"Gods, I could watch them all night," my brother grunted. I smiled in mild surprise. It was good to see him slowly come back to life. For the first week after being freed, he rarely left our room. Eventually, he joined in the research of helping Dath and would join in training with the rest of us. But the mention of him seeing something and wanting it for himself made my heart sing.

"You could join them you know," I suggested.

Sorin shook his head, comfortable where he was. "Another time maybe."

I gave him a side hug. We looked alike and shifted into panthers, but the similarities stopped there. He was a watcher. Preferring to observe and learn rather than take life head on. Though I enjoyed reading and studying as much as he did, he was the scholar of the family. I had discovered that learning about weapons and warfare gave me the same satisfaction books gave him. Our father may have something to do with that. Grooming me to handle legions and Sorin to handle the logistics. But I had been trained by Lambert. The weight of the crown pressed down, and I shook it off. It had been a few years since I left Aegran in search of my brother. When I discovered he had been taken and murdered, I weaseled my way into the university to enact revenge, dragging Lambert with me. Though, the old man had been more than willing to leave his small cottage just outside the palace. Revenge fell flat when I met Nik.

She had walked into the dinning room, dirty and unsure of her magic. And I couldn't help but introduce myself to her. But Alden had beat me to her. She had a panic attack and he escorted her away. When Alden sent for Lambert, I knew it had to be more. Lambert told me about it afterwards in private. How she had gone through Hells to get there. How she was different. Though we hadn't yet discovered by how much.

"What are you going to do?" Sorin pulled me from my thoughts. I knew what he asked.

Sighing, I admitted, "I have no idea." I paused. "Probably follow them anyways."

"You won't like that."

"I know."

He laughed a small laugh, still watching the dancefloor. His eyes were now on Faolan and Evander and beyond them, Rayze and a handsome stranger. Rayze caught his stare and smiled sweetly. Sorin nothing short of balked at the attention. I clapped his back encouragingly. Rayze beckoned him over just as the song ended. I gave my brother a shove and he glared before walking towards her.

I unwisely followed where I knew Nik and Callion had gone. Hiding in the alcove of the stairwell, I watched Callion disarm her within seconds and her look of surprise was glorious. She was a master with the sword, but Callion was supernatural. Though he didn't touch her, she trembled under his gaze. Something I knew she never did with me. Between us, it was easy, gentle, beautiful. Between them, it was like stepping into a thunderstorm, knowing you wouldn't walk away the same. Seeing this side of her, aggressive and combative, was a sight to behold. Erix had no idea what he had coming for him. Who he had in his prison.

I sent a thin wind to catch their words. Gods. He was making her the same promise he made Jakota and I. She seemed unaware that she was crying at his words and agreed to the promise. I felt the magic flare as their promise became flesh, my own reacting across my chest. Callion was ever the king in that moment, offering Nik the one thing everyone knew she needed. An unwavering friendship with truth and protection. It was that same promise of truth that had kept me away from my friend. He didn't need a constant reminder of my feelings for her.

The promise was worded specifically so that it could never be fulfilled. I froze, vaguely aware of Nik searching Callion's back for the tattoo. Erix must have learned of the promises the royal family made and expanded upon it. But he didn't have the subtlety of words, the finesse to weave magic into each one. I recalled Dath's bargain, a gift of power to protect Nik. Nothing more. Which meant...

I took off at a run down to the dungeons. To Dath.

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