27 Taury

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The moments before docking behind the kingdom of Ashburn, we watched the mountains sprout from the horizon. Their peaks lay blanked in snow while trees and grass covered their bases, two seasons painting our view. The dock was significantly less congested than Salvare's, despite the royal seal of a flaming bird's skull, being flown between the buildings. We were greeted with a small group of armed guards bearing their Master's tattoos alongside their Undergrade's one. Above their tattoos, were leather gauntlets etched with the royal seal and riddled in crystals like ours did at the university. To which, we all exchanged nervous glances.

I gave my mother one last hug before joining the part that would be setting out. Father assured me that he would send word to Aunt Syrena with information about Nik. Discreetly, and vague, of course, should the message fall into the wrong hands. Garren was speaking to Ameer, his bag slung around his shoulders, crossways. I ignored the flutter in my chest at seeing his tattoo peep from the top of his signature white shirt. Ameer glanced at me, his eyes begging me to talk to Garren. I rolled my eyes, earning a nod from him. I hated that he knew me well enough to know that I would indeed have that much needed conversation. Eventually. When I could. Garren was already watching me when I finally decided to acknowledge his presence. I offered a small smile, but nothing to give hope. He looked away, dejected.

Emyr stood at the ramp while my father and his crew secured the anchor and sails. She had changed. Forgoing her usual loose clothing, in favor of a short comfortable dress. Her dress was simple, matching the red curls of her hair. I smiled at the travel boots that she had kept in place, coming up to her legging covered calves. The guards bowed to her, recognizing her immediately. With a wave of her hand, she gestured to the rest of us, indicating we were to join. Suddenly, our friend was no longer the quiet intense one, but the royal who radiated authority and demanded obedience. I blinked at how her face morphed into the mask of The Princess of Ashburn. At the gesture, we had no choice but to join her. I hugged my father and patted Ameer on the shoulder. He eyed me, scolding me with one look. I bared my teeth and walked away. His chuckle at my back only made me ignore him further.

"My Lady," the guard in front bowed as we approached. "We are to escort you to Viatrix Temple, where you will be able to cross through the mountains to the city. I assume you know the way from there?"

Emyr nodded, "I do. Thank you..."

"Captain Reagan, Princess."

She dug into the pocket of her pants, as Syphor watched next to her. Carefully, she placed a gold coin in the captain's hand, a gesture of good will. He bowed again, accepting the payment. Syphor beamed his demeanor intense, as always.

The walk to the Temple was a simple one. Just along the shoreline from the docks. The mountains were a constant shadow to our left. From the shoreline, we took a path through a sparce wood to the Temple, which sat on a hill, covered in rows of steps. Along the steps, lanterns were magically lit, flickering shadows as we climbed. There were small patches of bamboo between the trees and benches strewn around, decorated lovingly with small skulls, just as Emyr said. All round the Temple, death was made beautiful. Streamers of gold and black, should look ominous when strung from the trees, but it only made the place look welcoming. Everyone was quiet as we took the sight in, a stark contrast from Phaewen's Temple. The Temple itself, was open to the elements, as expected, so approaching the statue of Viatrix from the back of the building, was easy. Fae of all colors and forms strolled the massive area, enjoying just being in an area of such peace. I passed by a fellow lynx, who sniffed at me and purred, recognizing my form. Garren next to me, chuckled knowingly.

Viatrix stood before us, carved in a slab of obsidian. The goddess's face looked down on her subjects, kind, like meeting a friend. Her hand was outstretched, worn down from many Fae fingers touching the goddess. Fresh flowers lay there, a sign of how much the people loved her. Her feet and dais were so densely covered in skulls, flowers, and smooth sticks, that she seemingly disappeared into them. Unable to help myself, I reached out to touch her reaching hand. Emyr stopped walking, waiting. The stone was warm when it should be cold. My head snapped to the Princess, who was smiling at me, a secret shared. Curious, Garren reached up, releasing a gasp at the unexpected temperature. His fingers brushed mine, and I let go, joining Emyr and Syphor. At the front of the Temple, the guards froze.

"Here is where we must leave you, Princess." Captain Reagan gave a curt bow.

We passed by and down the stairs leading to the path between two small mountains framing the entrance to the Temple. After a few hours of walking, with nothing but the fast winds and chatter of wildlife to keep us company, we stopped to rest. I sat on the ground, comfortable with the bed of grass under me. This land was peaceful, beautiful. I thought back to the Goddess of Death and wondered of the warmth I had felt there. Conjuring some fire, my hands danced with warmth, but I couldn't replicate the feeling. Sighing I dropped my hand, flame gone.

Syphor lay on his back, looking up to what sky was visible in the valley. While Emyr sat next to him, chewing on some fish jerky my father gave us. Garren was nowhere to be seen. I wished he'd hurry up. We needed to leave soon. I took a swig of ale. I hated the stuff, but it was all Father had on the ship. He was on his way to trade it when he got the message that we needed a ship. I hoped he could make a good sale at the docks. Forcing another swallow down, I covered up the awful taste with some jerky, savoring the salty meat. I whipped my head around at the crack of a branch. Garren approached from the woods behind me. Without being invited, he plopped next to me placing a knee in the air and draping his arm over it.

He didn't say anything. Just picked up a twig and started throwing Terramancy into it, playing with the growing leaves. Slowly, the twig grew into a branch. He thinned it a little then, made it twist into a shape I didn't recognize. He continued to work, and Syphor sat up to watch. Ignoring his small audience, Garren continued to mold the growing branch into a cat. No. A lynx. The figure froze, as he pulled back the magic. He placed it down on the grass between us and looked forward, without a single glance in my direction. Emyr met my eyes and tilted her head as if to say, "Well?". Garren stood before I could even find a response and grabbed his bag, walking to the edge of the path. He waited there for the rest of us to join him. The others got their things, and I took the small moment of privacy to truly look at the little sculpture. In the middle of the woven creature, was a single tiny red flower where the heart would be. Choked up, I quickly grabbed it and gently placed it in my bag. I swallowed back the emotion and walked behind the rest of the group. As we walked, I prayed to the Goddess of Death. The Goddess of Warmth, to give me the strength to tell Garren my darkest secret. Soon.

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